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I was going to post this as two parts but it would be quite short if I did so I posted them togehter. the Really big gap in the middle is like part two


“Tessa’s dead!” Ella shrieks, running into the living room where we all are. Josh is the first one to process anything that has gone on, and is out of the room in half a second. I see the horror in his eyes and jump up after him.

“She’s not moving,” Ella sobs, “I tried to wake her up but she didn’t move!” Ella’s tears run down her cheeks. I put my arm around her and she buries her face in my chest. Josh looks at Tessa with worried eyes. I stare at Tessa, lying motionless on the bed, her face pale.

“Please wake up Tessa,” Josh whispers, “Please.”

JJ and Jaymi run in and stare, eyes wide, mouths hanging open.

“Is she…dead?” JJ asks. Ella’s shoulders shake.

“I don’t want her to be dead…” Josh says sadly.

“She won’t be,” Jaymi says determinedly, “JJ call an ambulance, George…you comfort Ella, Josh stay with Tessa and I’ll tell everyone else.” He and JJ leave the room quickly. Ella wails. Josh opens his mouth.

“Keep it down.” He moans, in a voice that sounds oddly like Tessa’s.

“It’s not time for that!” Ella wails.

“That wasn’t me.” Josh says, his face as white as a sheet.

“What part of shut up do you not understand?” The same voice asks. Tessa’s voice. Tessa’s voice!

“You’re alive!” I laugh.

“Of course I’m alive…” Tessa groans. She rolls onto her side and faces Josh, rubbing her eyes sleepily. You can tell she’s not a morning person. She would have made a sarcastic comment at any other time. She smiles at Josh and turns to face me and Ella. Her eyes cloud over with something, but I’m not sure what. She smiles a small smile.

“What time is it?” She asks, burying her face in her pillow.

“12.30.” Josh replies.

“You guys woke me up at 12.30?” Tessa groans, eyes wide.

“Ella said you were dead…” Josh explains.

“I’m as good as.” Tessa groans again. She gets out of bed, takes Josh’s waiting hand and walks out into the corridor, running her fingers through her hair.

“Tessa?” Rylan asks in surprise.

“That’s my name.” Tessa rubs her eyes.

“Jaymi said you were dying.” Rylan replies.

“It’s nice to know you were worried.” Tessa rolls her eyes, regaining her sarcasm.

“Yeah, well I know you don’t get up early,” Rylan boasts, “What are you doing up anyway?”

“You can thank this idiot here.” Tessa elbows Josh.

“Hey!” Josh protests.

“But he’s my idiot.” Tessa laughs. Josh smiles down at her. For a moment I think they’re going to kiss. But they don’t.



“This week’s theme is Heroes, in honour of our Olympic champions.” Tulisa tells us, all of the girls, “So I hope before our meetings tomorrow, that you’ll have a song idea.” I smile to myself. I desperately want to do Wings by Little Mix. Despite them being my heroes, it’s a good song.

Tulisa lets us go and we drive back to the hotel. I walk into the entrance, and see George with his arms wide open. Ella walks in after me, and runs into his arms. I stare at them for a second before turning away and walking away I can’t help it if George likes Ella more than in a friends way. I just thought that because I liked him, he would magically like me back. But it doesn’t work like that. And I guess I’m one to talk. I like Josh and George. George and I will stick to being best friends. Because he likes Ella, and I like Josh more. I walk up the stairs and lie on the floor in the middle of the empty living room. Surprisingly, no-one is in here, so they won’t question my strange attitude. So I just lie on the floor.

I don’t understand why I care so much about George’s love life. Actually, I feel like Bella in Twilight, choosing between Edward and Jacob. I always thought Bella was…I don’t know how to say it…in love with herself and the fact that Edward and Jacob both fancied her. And I felt like she used them, especially Jacob. Even if I am like that, which I hope I’m not, it’s debatable who would be Jacob and who would be Edward. Both could be Edward, because Josh is there for me, but Edward left Bella, like George did to me. Argh. This is so confusing. But, my life is definitely not like Twilight, because George and Josh are not vampires and werewolves, and Ella is definitely my daughter. So really, it was a rubbish comparison.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” James asks, walking in and sitting beside me.

“How my life relates to Twilight.” I answer. James laughs. “James,” I start, “If you were a girl…and you thought you liked two guys, and one of them you thought liked you back but then went off with another girl, and one of them went off with someone else, and the other was just as nice but was actually there for you, who would you spend more time with?”

“Me personally,” James replies, “I’d go with the second guy, and just be friends with the first guy. But I’m not a girl so I don’t really know how a girl’s head works.”

“Thanks James.” I smile. James stands up to leave.

“Oh, and by the way,” He stops by the door, “I’m Team Josh.”

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