Old friends reunited

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"Sorry about that George." I smile sheepishly even though he can't see me. Liv rolls her eyes at me as she leaves the room. Oh well, I guess that means I can talk to George for longer. And then I realise. George had his audition yesterday. 

"DID YOU GET THROUGH!" I yell. George laughs down the phone. 

"Yep." He tells me. And then we both sort of scream to each other and the whole world.

"You know George," I tell him about five minutes into our conversation, "It seems like I've known you for ages, and we only met yesterday." 

"At least I'm not the only one thinking I'm crazy." George laughs. It takes me a second to realise that he's agreeing with me. "Tessa...are you still there?" 

"Yeah sorry," I reply, "I was just being a bit...slow..." I tell him. He laughs. Well it could have been worse. He could've thought that I was a crazy weirdo and then hung up on me. Well, I am a weirdo, he might not have figured that out yet.

"I thought you were weid the first minute I met you Tessa." George comments. NO. I did not just say that out loud. 

"'Fraid you did." George laughs. 

"That's really embarrassing." I tell him, before laughing with him. 


I think Tessa and I spoke for about two hours. It only felt like two minutes. The only reason we had to stop was because she was being called for dinner. She told me all about her family, how her parents split up, and how her Mum found her step dad Gary and his daughter Diana, and about her twin brother Brandon, and about her Dad and his girlfriend and how hopeless they are, and about how when she has children she's going to be a better parent to them than her Dad was to her. And it wasn't even a little awkward talking to Tessa about that. Like she said, it's like we've known each other forever. 

My phone rings again. It's Tessa. I called her again yesterday and we had a really long chat about life and stuff that's going on for her, and what's going to happen at bootcamp which I'lll be arriving at in a few minutes. We've been calling eachother all week, and now, I know everything about her, and she knows everything about me. It's almost like I've know her my whole life.

"Hey Tessa."

"Hey George," Tessa replies excitedly, "I'm at boot camp! I'm actually here!" 

"Haha, what's it like Tessa?" I ask. Tessa pauses a moment. 

"Um...like...like the auditions actually." She tells me. I laugh. 

"Look Tessa," I say as Mum opens the door for me, "I have to go but I'll call you again in a minute, yeah?" 

"Yeah, BYE!" Tessa laughs down the phone. I laugh with her and then get up to say bye to Mum. 


"Good luck Tessa," Mum smiles at me.=, squeezing me tightly. She lets go and Diana hugs me even tighter. 

"And don't get too involved with that George boy!" Mum says as Diana lets go. 

"Mum!" I groan

"You can't stop her from seeing the boy that she's so in love with," Diana says, "But Tessa, your Mum's right. Be careful." 

"1," I say, "I'm not in love, and 2, yeah, I'll be careful." Diana grins. 

"TESSA!" Liv yells down my ear, hugging me tighter than Mum and Diana put together, "I'll miss you soo much Tessa, but," She lets go of me, "Fill me in on everything about George and have fun and most importantly, GET THROUGH!" She hugs me again. Brandon prises her off me and hugs me. 

"You're amazing." He tells me, as we watch Liv dance around singing 'My BFF's famous!' Just Liv. My phone rings and I look down at it. 

"Who is it?" Liv asks. 

"George." I reply smiling. I answer it quickly, but slow enough to hear Liv and Diana say to each other "She's so in love." 

For the last time, I'm not in love! I just...like George a lot. And in reality, I hardly know him, so really, despite us thinking that we know each other better, we just met and it's crazy. 

"Hey," I smile into the phone.

"Hey Tessa." George replies. 

"Are you here?" I ask him. I probably seem a bit desperate, but then I am...desparate to see him! George laughs again. 

"I said that, didn't I?" 

"Yep." George laughs again his laugh I've dreamt about these past few nights. "Turn around." He tells me. I do as I'm told and see him standing behind me, smiling and laughing at me. I turn around and run towards him, smiling as well. I can feel Brandon rolling his eyes, and Liv and Diana nudging each other but I don't care if they're there. George is my second best friend, aside of Liv. 

Good luck Tessa,” Mum smiles at me. Diana has gone back to her house in the middle of London, and it’s only Mum, Brandon, Gary and I in the car. Mum kisses me on the cheek and then I hop out of the car. It’s been a day since my audition. My audition was one of the last ones. I haven’t heard from George. But it has only been a day.

"This is probably crazy," I whisper to him so Mum and the others can't hear, "But I missed you."

"In that case," George whispers back, "We're both crazy, because I missed you too." I let go of him and smile. I pull George back to the crowd of people, my fingers tangled with his. 

"BYE MUM! BYE BRANDON! BY LIV! BY DIANA!" I yell after me as we run towards a crowd of people. We stop and see a clipboard man. No, this is the clipboard man. The one from before. The one that doesn't smile. 

"Grumpy guts again." I mutter under my breath, but George hears and starts laughing. 

"Names?" Clipboard man asks grumpily. 

"Tessa Williams."

"George Shelley."

Clipboard man writes something on his clipboard and then looks up at us. 

"There's a party for you all in the main area." He says. I grin at George and he looks back at me with the same expression. We run ahead of the group into the already crowded reception. Wow. Big party.

I scan the crowd, still holding tightly onto George's hand. We walk through smiling and laughing. The crowds are dancing to music that can't be heard over the sound of chatting. I walk close to the stage, with george beside me. 


Tessa stops in the middle of the room, her eyes widening. I look across the room and see a boy with dark hair staring straight back at her, looking exactly the same. 

"Omigod." Tessa whispers, "Omigod."

She doesn't look at me, but she runs towards the boy. Her hand is still connected to mine, so I run after her. She stops suddenly resulting in me skidding beside her. She looks at the boy. 



They whisper at the same time. Who is this? Her boyfriend? Her ex-boyfriend? Whoever he is I want to know.

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