Little Beth

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I run out of the hotel and into Bob’s car, Ella and George hot on my tail. As soon as they climb in, I turn to Bob.

“The hospital,” I tell him, “We need to go to the hospital.” George and Ella look at me wide eyed.

“Are you ok?” George asks.

“I’VE GOT A NEICE!” I shout. Ella squeals with me. George giggles.

“How do you put up with her all the time?” He asks Bob.

Bob opens his mouth, “I-”

“I buy him sweets.” I tell George. He starts giggling again and Ella laughs.

“Well actually Tessa,” Bob glances at me, “When my daughters found out you’d touched them, they had to keep the packet, unopened, in their room.” I laugh.

“I’m going to write to your daughters,” I decide, “What are their names?”

“Cara, Jenny and Courtney.” Bob tells me. I smile at him, even though I’m jiggling around. I need to see my niece! I don’t even know what she’s called. Yeah, that’s a bit weird. But I’m going to see her!

“Here we go, how long do you think you’ll be?” Bob asks as we’re about to get out.

“Um…I don’t know, I’ll call you.” We climb out and I race up to the hospital.

When we walk in, I realise exactly where we are. The hospital. I’m scared to death or hospitals. I shy into George. He wraps his arm around me and helps me walk forward. I remember telling him I’m scared of hospitals. It’s strange he remembers.

“Hello, how can I help?” Someone asks, probably the receptionist.

“We’re looking for Diana Williams,” Ella replies, “She’s just had a baby.”

“Are you family members?” The person asks.

“Do we have to be?” Ella asks.


“Well that’s good,” I say, popping my head up out of George, because I know neither of them can lie to save their life, “Because I’m Tessa Williams, and this is my younger sister Carly Williams, and this is my…”

“Tessa’s boyfriend, Aaron.” Ella says quickly. I ignore it for now. The woman is really old and I don’t think she watches X-Factor, but if she does, she doesn’t recognise us.

“Room 307, but I’m afraid you can’t go in,” The woman points to George.


“But he’s not family.” The woman says sternly.

“Excuse me, but Tessa is extremely scared of hospitals,” George says to the woman, “I’m not letting her go without me.” The woman smiles.

“Off you go then,” The woman smiles, “You two are the cutest couple I’ve ever seen.” I smile as we walk off. But before we go, the woman yells something at us, “Be sure to have your babies here!”


How embarrassing was that woman?

‘Be sure to have you babies here’?!?

Tessa and I aren’t even a couple. Well, the woman thought we were. But no matter how much I want her to be, we’re not. Maybe I should take Ella’s advice and ask her out.

“We’re here!” Ella exclaims, opening the door to room 307. Tessa’s head is still buried in my chest. I walk her in and then she looks up at Diana.

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