Girly talks, Private talks and secrets

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I wake up screaming.

“Tessa?” Ella runs into my room, “Are you ok Tessa?”

I feel tears falling down my cheeks.

“I had a nightmare…” I whisper.

“Tessa,” Ella sits down on the bed beside me and hugs me tightly, “Don’t worry, it was only a dream.”

“It felt so real,” I say into her shoulder. Ella wipes away my tears.

“It’s ok Tessa,” She says quietly, “Go back to sleep.” I nod and turn over.

“Will you stay Ella?” I ask, as she’s about to leave, “And share a room with me? I don’t want to be on my own…” Ella smiles.

“I’ll just go and get my stuff.” She smiles again and walks out. The darkness makes me think of my dream. And I don’t want to be thinking of my dream. When Ella appears with her stuff, I finally calm down and close my eyes again.

“Tulisa suggested this dress actually,” Emily tells me, “It’s gorgeous and suits the song perfectly.” She holds up the dress for me to see.

It’s a cream coloured fabric that’s fitted at the top with a floaty skirt. It has an over the shoulder strap decorated with bronze coloured flowers to hold it up. Emily was right, it is gorgeous. She shows me the white heels, gold necklace and silver studs that go with it. It all looks so pretty.

“It’s beautiful.” I say in awe. Emily helps me into it and smiles at my reflection. It fits perfectly.

“It’s the same design as a wedding dress,” Emily explains, “I’ve been to loads of weddings where people have been dressed in wedding dresses like this. It looks amazing on you.”

“What if I ruin it?” I panic, “What if it tears or something?”

“You won’t ruin it Tessa.” Emily chuckles.

“But what if I do?” I wail, “It’s a wedding dress!”

“Nobody’s going to wear it Tessa!” Emily laughs.

“It’s so pretty,” I say in awe, “I love it so much.”

“Does it fit ok?” Emily asks.

“Perfectly.” I reply.

“You’re going to need to get out of it now Tessa,” Emily says smiling, “You need it to be just like this on Saturday.” I nod. “That’s all we need you for Tessa, you can go back to the hotel now.”

I smile and run back to the car.

“What’s the outfit like then?” Bob asks as he starts the engine.

“It’s beautiful Bob,” I tell him, “A beautiful wedding dress. A real wedding dress! And I get to wear it for about two hours on Saturday night!”

“You’ll look amazing in it Tessa,” Bob smiles, “I remember when my wife and I got married.”

“What was it like?” I ask curiously.

“Oh, it was brilliant! I was scared through most of it though. But then Karen arrived in her wedding dress. She was beautiful Tessa, she really was.” Bob smiles in memory.

“Do you have any kids Bob?”

“Three, but none of them are as hyper as you!” Bob grins, “They’re all quite a bit younger. Three little girls I’ve got. They’re the best things that ever happened to me.”

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