Let Her Go

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I wake up for the second time this morning, to the sound of Liv screaming at someone. I groan, nestling my head in George’s stomach and blocking my ears. It’s a bit of a surprise to hear Liv, because she never screams at anyone. It makes the pounding in my head 2000 times worse, along with the everlasting bass drum. How much did I drink last night?

“I wasn’t doing anything wrong!” Liv screams.

“You were dancing with loads of different guys!” JJ yells back. George shifts beside me. I glance at him, eyes wide.

“I was drunk,” Liv protests, “I didn’t know what I was doing.”

I can almost hear JJ scowling, “Don’t feed me that line. I’m your boyfriend. You should have been dancing with me!”

“Well my boyfriend was busy snogging some random girl!” Liv screams, louder than any scream she’s ever screamed before. I jump out of bed and grab my dressing gown that has been discarded on the floor. My eyes spin, the world around me turning different colours. But I can’t stop. Liv needs me.

“I was drunk.” JJ says quickly.

“Oh,” Liv hisses, “So it’s ok for you to use that excuse, but not me.” I start walking to the door, wobbling around. “I’m your girlfriend JJ, you should have been kissing me!” George holds me back, one hand pressed to his ears, trying to block the noise from his head, which is probably aching as much as mine. I try and push against him, but his arms close around me, pulling me to him.

“Look, I’m sorry,” JJ says after a while, his voice calm, “I’m sorry for everything that happened yesterday. We were both drunk, they were both drunken mistakes, and it definitely won’t happen again.”

“She was a fucking redhead!” Liv screams, bursting my head, “How did you not know that she wasn’t me?” This is bad news. Liv hardly ever swears.

“I’m sorry.” JJ says, his voice going quieter and quieter by the second, “I promise you that it will not happen again.”

“Too right it won’t,” Liv hisses, “Because we are over.”

My head explodes from over thinking about what just happened. What did just happen?!? Oh my god. Liv broke up with JJ. It looks like George gets it at the same time as I do, because we both scramble out of mine and Ella’s room, and run to the kitchen, George for JJ and me for Liv. I run into Liv when she runs out of the kitchen. She glances up at me as George continues running, and bursts into floods of tears.

“Shh,” I whisper soothingly, putting my arms around her, leading her back to my room and sitting her on the bed, “Shh.”

“I messed up, Tessa,” Liv sobs, “I messed up so badly.”

I shake my head, hugging Liv tightly, “No you didn’t.”

“Yes I did,” Liv tells me, “I broke up with him, and I love him!” She sobs loudly into my shoulder.

“I know you do, sweetie,” I tell her, “I know you do.”

Liv coughs, “Tessa, I still love him but…”

When she doesn’t answer, I prompt her slowly, “But…”

“But I don’t know if I can trust him.” Liv says quietly, “But I feel so bad, because I just wish I was with him still!”

I stroke her back soothingly. Liv and I have been in this situation before. Many of the people Liv has broken up with have cheated on her, even when they weren’t drunk, so of course, she broke up with them, but always felt bad and changed her mind.

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