S. I. X. T. Y. S. I. X

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Winter had come to Riverdale and everyone was suffering from an acute case of Quiz Show fever. No one more so than Betty Cooper, who was pouring her considerable energies into beating the tar out of Stonewall Prep's team led by, wouldn't you know it, Bret Weston Wallis.

The only person immune to Quiz show fever? My pal Archie Andrews... Who was feeling a lot less lonely these days.

Mercy POV

Me:You're taking me ice skating Munroe!

Munroe:I don't even know how to ice skate, I'll watch you but I'm not getting on those blades, Mercy.

Me:I did that suicidal workout regimen with you!

Munroe:*laughing*You said you could keep up.

Me:Mhhm, how's South Bend?

Munroe:It's cool, I don't really leave out of my room much, I'm either sleep or working out.


Munroe:No leg workouts. I promise.

Me:Alright, well I gotta go, we're about to be called back, talk to you later?

Munroe:You got it, love you, Crazy.

Me:*smiling*Love you too, Roe.

I hang up and sit back down next to Ronnie and Cheryl I fix the Riverdale sweater Honey decided to buy for us. The man counts out and suddenly the talk show host starts once he introduces us and our score mentioning the final round we begin.

Host:His best known works are 'The interpretation of Dreams' and 'The Psychopathology of Everyday life. "free association"

I smack the buzzer and speak.

Me:Sigmund Freud.


We continue to answer each question and once we finish the timer goes off.

Host:Well, times up Riverdale has won. They will go on to face Stonewall prep in the finals.

And on that note I hug everyone on my team in celebration before heading home. I have to go to Atlanta for the another bakery opening. Since it already has my restaurant why not? I'm sure the people love sweets. As I pack my bag I call Toni, even though I just left her and I doubt Cheryl will let her go.

Phone Call:

Toni:Best friend!

Me:Bestest are you busy this weekend?

Toni:Busy as in?

Me:Take a trip with me to Atlanta? I have a bakery opening up in Midtown. I want someone to come with me. Unless you-

Toni:Absolutely! When are we leaving?

Me:In three hours.


Me:I'm sorry but I'm doing this during the weekend so that I could make it back in town for school and the Quiz Show. I got my dad's private jet.

Toni:He let you?

Me:It's the families so all I needed was my mom to agree to them giving it to me.

Toni:Gotta love rich people.

Me:Same girl, same, I'll pick you up in a hour?

Toni:Sounds good.

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