T. W. E. N. T. Y T. H. R. E. E

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"La douleur exquise, if translated directly it means exquisite pain, but anyone who's ever experienced this knows it means to stare at a pipe dream you know you'll never be able to touch."

Mercy POV

I open my eyes and look around before trying to sit up, but I hiss more than move, I see my mom and dad in my face before I can look up from my stomach.

Me:What's going on? Why does my stomach hurt so bad?

Mom:You don't remember?

Me:Yeah, I remember I was shot, but I thought I was gonna be so high off pain pills I wouldn't feel it.

They chuckle and I grin before slowly trying to sit up.

Me:How long was I out?

Dad:A good while baby, you were going in and out. Today's been the longest you've been up.

Me:Great, what's today's date? Did I miss Thanksgiving?

Mom:Sorry baby... I'll make you whatever you want though.

Me:Can I just get pops? Because that could mean we are close to Christmas.

Dad:Christmas is coming up actually.

Me:You know what. When can I leave?

Mom:You just woke up baby, relax.

Me:That's the last thing I want to do, ma.

Dad:Your eyes are dropping, go to sleep baby, when you wake up you'll be ready to leave.

Me:Alright. I love you guys.

They kiss my cheek as I doze off.


When I wake up I see my mom and dad sitting with their coats in their hands, mine in my mom's arms. I rub my face no longer feeling the wires and tubes connected to my arms. I sit up feeling better looks like someone drugged me before I woke up, I throw my feet over the edge and slowly stand up, my dad comes to me my mom after.

Me:I'm fine, guys. I'll have to get in the shower.

Mom:You need help?

Me:I'm good mommy, I'll call you if I do okay?


I hobble to the ensuite shower I strip down and look at the bandages on my lower stomach slightly higher than my belly button to the left. I poke it and almost sob from the pain.

Me:*uttering* my dumbass.

I walk to the shower and wash up making sure to keep a dry towel over the bandage to keep it as dry as possible before getting out, I peak my hand out and my mom hands me my clothes, I hand her my old ones and I change into the jogging pants and slip on the hoodie, I walk into the room and hand my socks to my dad he grabs my shoes from the side of him and he gets on his knee slipping my socks and shoes on. I see a tear roll down his face and I sigh.

Me:Don't cry daddy, I'm fine see?

Dad:They said you were close to calling it quits.

Me:You can't get rid of me so quickly.

Dad:That bitch of a man is gonna pay for doing this to you.

Me:He will dad, don't worry, come on let's go to Pops I'm craving a maltshake.

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