S. I. X. T. Y. N. I. N. E

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Well, it finally happened. The moment we've all been waiting for. A fire in the woods. Three friends in their underwear, covered in blood. My iconic beanie up in smoke. Driving back to Riverdale, they didn't say one word to each other. They should have. They should've gotten their story straight.

That's the thing about murder. You've gotta have the stomach for it. Especially if all signs point to you having committed it.

Since I'm out of the picture the trio will need to go to the next best thing, but how would they open up to her about this issue?

Mercy POV

I hang up and sigh, Munroe looks up at me, sitting back.

Munroe:What's up?

Me:Betty texted me last night saying it was a problem I called this morning and no one answered their phones and Jughead always answers my calls because we don't call if we do it's considered an emergency.

Munroe:Did you talk to his dad?

Me:Yes, but he hasn't heard from him either, Betty called him asking if he heard from him too...

Munroe:So he's missing?

Me:Yes, and no.

Munroe:How can someone not be missing but missing?

Me:You seriously haven't learned a thing since hanging out with us? Baby it's a million ways for stuff to happen and not happen. So just watch.

I call Betty again and as before it goes to voicemail, once the beep goes I speak.

Me:I know what happened Betty, Donna told me, just call me back okay?

I hang up and call Archie his phone doesn't pick up.

Me:Archie, I know what you guys did and it's so fucked up! If one of you don't get back to me I'm telling FP.

I then call Ronnie.

Me:Out of all people I didn't expect for you to even think about doing something so crazy! Really? Then you're not even going to answer my phone call? Y’all can't hide a dead phone let alone anything else.

I hang up and Munroe just shakes his head at me.

Munroe:Trying to guilt trip them?

Me:With a little gaslighting in the mix. They're smart so that's why I mixed up each call to fit each person. They know, I know Jughead and I know them, which means that I can read them like a open book without even seeing them... Not to mention Jughead is a mystery buff and what's the greatest mystery than his own death?

Munroe:That's insane.

Me:Oh, not for Riverdale my love, not for Riverdale.

Soon my phone rings and I grin showing my phone to him. He shakes his head and leans into the chair.

Munroe:That's crazy.

Me:No, but very predictable.

I pick up and I grin.

Phone call:

Me:Oh, so your phone does work, Shocking.

Betty:Mercy that's not what happened! She's lying.

Me:Betty you three better get here and I mean right now because in a second I'm about to tell your parents and the police outside of FP everything.

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