Four | Gwenyth Wales

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And that's when I could feel the eery silence around me. Slytherin... Slytherin? What's my brother in...? Grindylow? Gryffins? No, Gryffindor...

Crap, Slytherin.

Malfoy's in Slytherin.

Worse, that Viola Summers is, too.

I looked up to McGonagall who's face looked a bit grim, but she quickly blinked and gave me a stern smile. She pulled the hat off my head and said, "Congratulations, Miss Wilson, for making it into the Slytherin house. Professor Snape is your head of house--"

Wah! And Snape?! Damn it.

"--Here are your Slytherin robes." McGonagall pulled robes out of a cabinet by the wall and handed it to me, "The Great Hall is just down the steps to your right. Welcome to Hogwarts, Olivia."

I nodded warily and stood up. I pulled on my new house robe and waved to McGonagall before leaving the room.

As I walked down the stairs, I felt sick in my stomach. Being sorted in Slytherin didn't feel right to me, maybe because of the people I'll be bunking with for the rest of this year. As I walked in the direction where McGonagall told me to go, I walked through giant double doors into a bustling large hall with four long tables stretching out to the end where the staff table was.

Above, there was a night cloudy sky landscaping the roof magically with floating candles. I peered around the tables of students eating heavily on the feast until I caught of glimpse of Liam.

I skipped towards him and caught his attention.

"Olly--!" He said smiling with a goblet of pumpkin juice in hand, but his smile faded as he stared at my robes, "Slytherin?"

I looked down at my robe and shrugged. "Yeah, whoopy doo, y' know?" I said sarcastically. I inched closer to my brother until an older Gryffindor student next to Liam stopped me with his hand.

"Your table is right there," he pointed out sternly to the table next to us.

"Hey, she's my sister," Liam replied strictly and the Gryffindor raised his eyebrows. "Oy," he said shocked, "Sorry, mate."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. I inched closer to Liam and lowered myself to his ear and whispered, "What the hell was that about?"

"They've been saying Gryffindors and Slytherins don't get along much," Liam whispered back.

"Isn't that going to change," I said threateningly.

"Hey, just relax and eat. I'll talk to you in the morning. Congrats, though." Liam said.

I gave him a weak smile and patted his shoulder. I walked to my table and sat in a vacant spot on the bench. I sat there with my arms crossed still and looked around. The whole table was smothered with food and sweets, the students matching in green laced robes just like mine.

I looked at the pile of foods presented before me and grabbed a plate hesitantly.

Suddenly, a roasted red potato was thrown at my plate and I jumped back in my seat, throwing my hands up in surprise. The students around me, but one confused girl next to me snickered. I looked around to noticed Viola and a few of her friends giggling mad a few feet down.

I groaned in aggravation and threw my hand in my pocket for my wand.

"No," said the girl beside me, "You don't want to get in trouble with Snape again, do you?"

I looked at the girl who had a long black braid over her shoulder and big almond shape eyes that reminded me of a lushed forest. I pushed the tainted plate away from me and laid my arms on the table. I grabbed a dinner roll and picked at it, taking baby bites.

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