Thirty Four | The Lost Truth Found

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The following chapter may contain material that may be harmful or traumatizing to some viewers.

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I paced back and forth in my bedroom all day. I threw the clothes I wore around the room, dressing in rage into my jammies. I kicked my bed three times, I broke the leg of my chair that is now limped against my desk, and cracked the side of my vanity mirror with my shoe. I just learned the fact that my father was murdered, the Ministry is pinning it on my mother, and Liam accusing Snape of being a Death Eater. Today was far too much to handle. I stood in the middle of my room, alone in the dark as the sun was setting. I pushed my hair out of my face and walked over to the mirror. I looked in the mirror, sighing as I looked at the crack I left with my shoe. I was going crazy. I had to know the truth. I leaned my palms into the dresser and stared into the mirror.

"I need to know," I whispered to my reflection, "Please, I need to know the truth. Show me something." Snape warned me not to do it. He told me the risks of walking into another realm. But, I had to. I grabbed my heavy trunk from the side of my bed and threw it over my bed. I opened it up, exposing a golden flat bowl, candles, valerian flowers, and several potion ingredients I snagged from Snape's classroom. And, he wondered why it was so heavy. I wanted to contact Caleb again. I swore I had before when I had my lesson with Snape, but I had to make sure I was in control and sure to stay in the realm long enough. In the pit of my stomach I knew for sure that Caleb would be there. And if not...

I grabbed the bowl and laid it on the vanity mirror, lining five candles along the bowl. Then I grabbed the potion ingredients, which were death cap mushrooms, a small vial of leech juice, a few sprigs of nightshade, and a goopy substance in a thin bottle called Witch's Mummy. All the ingredients to subdue me in a trance for an hour, or more. I'm not quite sure. I dropped the mushrooms and nightshade into the bowl, smothering it with the leech juice and as I poured the Witch's Mummy goop inside, the plants started to sprout boils and burn black. I furrowed my eyebrows and hesitantly looked into the bowl. I read the instructions back at school word for word before coming here, but was this really going to work?

I grabbed a match beside my vanity and lit every candle. After I was done, I dropped the match into the bowl. The bowl immediately erupted in flames and I jumped back in surprise. The flames went out and let out a deathly odor, having me cough and sputter. I held my breath and grasped the valerian flower. I tossed the flower into the bowl hastily and soon enough, the smell was gone. I sighed in relief as I walked back up to the bowl, it smelled of sweet honey. It worked. I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. I shook my arms and relaxed my shoulders. As I gazed in the mirror, I emptied my mind. The smell of sweet honey emerged and I started to feel very sleepy. As I tried to keep my eyes open, I noticed the room was spinning slowly.

I was going to knock out. But, as I slowly drifted off, I noticed something. The crack in the mirror slowly regenerated, restoring itself until the crack was completely gone. I watched in awe and then, I didn't feel tired anymore. Suddenly small whispers of what sounded like children started hissing around me, I looked behind me and all my things, my bed, my dresser, my trunk or my windows and door was gone. I felt a swift chill down the middle of my spine and I slowly looked back at the mirror.

My reflection was gone.

Not only that, but the mirror itself was no longer there. I kept my hands to my chest and leaned closer, my voice echoing through the vanity hole, "Hello?" My echoed endlessly through the hole until it faded away a few seconds later. The hole was dark, I could barely make anything out. "Caleb!" I called out, but no answer. I huffed in disappointed and didn't dare to think twice of what I was doing. I grabbed a hold of the vanity and heaved myself up onto it, throwing my leg over into the hole and jumping inside. It was much darker, pitch black. This was definitely a bad idea. I looked to one of the candles I lit and grabbed it, giving little light a couple feet from me. I hesitantly took a step forward, moving from said to said, taking in my surroundings. There was nothing in here. It was just a mass hole.

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