Fourteen | Regrets

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Author's Note

This one's a tad bit short, but I had to get it outta the way for the juicy stuff. Hope you enjoy!

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I laid motionless on my bed, arms spread, my legs dangling off. I kept my focus on the canopy above me. It's been a few days since the mistake. I haven't even been in Potions, I've been ditching though its not like Severus bothered questioning it. He didn't look for me nor asked of my whereabouts. I did most of my time moping around, secluding myself in my hideouts to smoke alone, avoiding Gwen-- well, we weren't talking anyways.

That night, I had to confront Luna. Of course, I made myself a pathetic excuse to go to my dormitory so Luna would not question why I was gone for so long and so far out.

I faced the window to see the now thawed live leeches, slithering all over the walls inside the two mason jars I recovered at the lake. Just remembering the dreadful day was giving me the urge to puke, I shook my head in agitation and threw myself up, wide eyed to see Gwen standing before me.

"Hey " she said quietly.

I sat there, dumbfounded and replied quietly too, "Hey." An awkward silence lingered in the dormitory until she held out small box wrapped in shiny purple paper and a big green bow on top. "I reckon you're still mad at me," she said with a shrug, "But, this was nonrefundable."

I eyed her suspiciously and took the gift. I gave it a hard stare and looked back at Gwen. I put down the gift and reached under my bed and pulled out a long rectangular box wrapped in red with a giant silver bow with swirly string. I handed it to her and said, "Merry Christmas."

Gwen gave me a wide smile and snatched the box. She spun around and plopped her butt next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," she said with puppy eyes, "I didn't expect you to be so butthurt about the whole Luna thing! I guess I should've just not taken the glasses."

"It was wrong of you," I pointed out and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"To think, I thought you were a prime bully in your last school."

"Do I give out that persona?"


"Thanks for the blunt honesty." I said and nudged her in the arm.

"So," she said holding up her present, "Should we open it now, or wait till we're home under our own Christmas tree?"

"Now! Screw that!" I exclaimed, "Three... Two... One, unwrap!"

We ferociously ripped open our gifts and Gwen beamed at what I bought her. "Madam Foster's International chocolates with limited edition dragon's breath fire snaps! Oh, I've always wanted to try these! How did you bloody get these? They don't sell these in Hogsmeade!"

"My little secret," I smirked, "A witch never reveals her tricks." I opened the box and gasped. It was a metallic cigarette box with a emerald jewel snake slithering around on the front, hissing with a thin rub tongue. "Those are never ending cigarettes. The box is enchanted. Every time you open it, a new set of cigarettes are in it. And I know, why should I provoke your habit? Well, these are cigarettes that don't have the tar. It's kind of like a beginner's way of quitting? I don't know, I thought it'd do you good." Gwen shrugged.

I opened the box and it was lined with six black cigarettes with silver filters. I gotta say, it seem to be a most productive gift I'd use and hopefully the safest way to do so. I threw my arms around Gwen and said teasingly, "You're the sweetest person I know, Gwen! Besides being a tyrant towards other houses!"

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