Tweny Seven | More Nightmares

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The sunlight woke me up and I threw my bed sheet over my head. How was there sunlight? There was no window in the dormitory. My eyes shot open as I threw the bed sheet off me and sat upright. A painful sting shot through the back of my head and I winced in pain, cupping the back of my head, feeling cloth. I felt around my head and noticed cloth wrapped around my forehead.

"Olly," I heard Liam beside me, "Don't move it!" I jumped in surprise to see Liam in a chair beside my bed. I looked around to notice I was in the hospital wing. It was daylight out and I looked to Liam.

"What's going on?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Apparently, some Slytherin girls tried to get you killed." Liam said with a serious face.

Then it hit me. Summers. Parkinson.

"Those bitches!" I cursed, "How long was I out?"

"Two days!" Madam Pomfrey said as she bustled out her office, "What I heard was these girls pulled a prank on you and you fell and hit your head on a rock in the lake--"

"Prank me?" I blurted out, "They tried to kill me!" I winced at the sudden pain and rubbed my head.

Madam Pomfrey checked me to make sure I was okay, then left me to be with Liam alone.

"Did you find me?" I asked, fiddling with my pink hair.

"No," Liam said with a tight lip, "Snape did."

I looked at Liam with wide eyes and replied, "He found me?"

"Apparently he said," Liam said in a disappointed tone, "That he passed by the Viaduct Bridge and saw you and two other girls walk into the Boathouse. Because it was getting late, he assumed you three were up to no good. But, it ended up being just two."
I looked to my hands and tried to hide the smile that played on my lips. Snape followed me and made sure I was okay. I looked up to Liam who obviously noticed my smile and he grunted, "Why are you so happy?"

"Because..." I said slowly, "I'm alive?"
Liam jeered and looked away. "I'm glad you're okay." He looked up and smiled, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost another member of our family."
My smile dropped and nodded. The image of Caleb flashed between my eyes and they slowly started to water.
Madam Pomfrey came out of her office and said, "Mr. Wilson, if you don't mind letting your sister rest a bit more. She'll be up and ready for tomorrow."

Liam stood up from his chair and looked down to me and bent down to give me a warm hug. "Don't be stupid, alright?" He laughed, "I'm expecting you back tomorrow."

I took a deep breath and smiled, giving him a wave goodbye.

"Here you are, dear. To help you sleep." Said Madam Pomfrey as she passed me a sleeping draught. I sighed in protest, but took the phial, dumping the liquid in my mouth and swallowed hard. I laid back down and as I pulled the sheet over my body, I felt something heavy over me. I pulled up the sheet to notice Snape's cloak over me I smiled and pulled the cloak closer to my chin and rested my head on the pillow. As Madam Pomfrey closed the curtains to prevent anymore sun, I slowly drifted into sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinded by the bright blue sky above me. There were no clouds, just a blue cascaded sky. I looked around me as I laid motionless to see unfamiliar bodies with unfamiliar faces and thought about this place. I've been here. I could feel my heart race as I pushed myself up, but felt a force of pressure holding down my legs. I was here before, I knew this was all a dream, but why am I here again?

I remembered this, I was on the rooftop of my brothers' old school. I looked around wildly as I dragged myself on the floor. The people started to drift away, vanishing before me as I could make out someone standing on the ledge of the school.

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