Thirty Nine | Taken

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You could say I was sort of in what you could call a crossroad. There I was, standing a few feet from Snape's bedroom door, hearing all sorts of commotion outside. He warned me, once again as he always done, not to leave this room, but my mind constantly screamed what the hell is happening outside. I stood before the door, hesitated as I wrapped my fingers around the knob. I could hear a familiar voice outside and placed my ear against the door.

"Is he alright?" It was Luna's voice.

"It seems he passed out... But, Snape-- He's gone!" said another girl, "We were suppose to keep an eye out on him, Luna!"

I grunted and shook my head. How can Snape keep me in this room? I battled with myself for the next few seconds, until I sighed in retreat. I needed to know what was happening. This wasn't at all about me, but something was heating up. I turned the knob, but the door was locked from the inside. I cursed under my breath as I backed away from the door and held out my wand. "Bombarda!" I exclaimed, whipping my wand towards the door. Suddenly, the door exploded, throwing wooden fragments all over the place, I ducked underneath my arms for cover. I looked up to see that I made a huge hole in the room now and decided to question myself if Snape would be outraged about this.

 I ran down the narrow hall, stopping abruptly as I locked eyes with Luna and her friend, Hermione Granger. There, between them, was an unconscious Flitwick. "Olly?" Luna muttered, confused, "What are you doing in Professor Snape's room?"

"Uh, well..." I stuttered and looked at Flitwick, "What the fuck happened?"

Hermione gave me the same suspicious look as Luna, but scoffed and said, "Hogwarts is being invaded! You have to go and hide somewhere!"

"Invaded?" I questioned and walked to the office door and peered out. There were students now running up the stairs from the common room, screaming as the prefects tried to keep them back. "Back to the common room!" The Prefect yelled, "No one is to leave the common room!"

"It's madness out there!" Luna exclaimed, pulling Flitwick's head onto her lap, "Death Eaters took over the school. You have to hide somewhere, Olly!"

I shook my head and leaned into the wall. Snape. He was hiding this from me. I had a feeling that he was up to something and kept me in the bedroom. "Did Snape say where he was going?" I questioned, looking down at the two.

"Why do you care?" Hermione questioned back and I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm going to ask again." I hissed calmly, "Where did he go?"

Hermione glared and looked down to Flitwick, avoiding my question. Luna stood up and gave me a pleading look. "Olly," Luna said, "Whatever and however the Death Eaters got into Hogwarts has something to do with him. If you're trying to look for him, this isn't at all a good idea!"

"Look, Luna, I know what I'm doing," I said sternly, "And, I know the consequences. So, answer me this... Where the hell did he go?"

"We don't know!" Hermione barked, now standing, "He just said he'd fight the Death Eaters and left! He could be bloody anywhere! How about you ask your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" I growled and cocked my head back, "Wait a minute. You know something, don't you? You guys know what's going on. Tell me, now! What the fuck is happening?" I jerked my head to Luna, "What does Draco have to do with this? Luna, tell me!"

Luna fidgeted with her long silvery blonde hair and blurted out, "Harry thinks the Malfoy has something to do with this. He told us to keep an eye out on Malfoy and Snape because Harry knew they were up to something... And, now with Death Eaters here... Oh, it's all true, Olly! And, we let Snape..." Luna covered her mouth with her hands and shook her head wildly. I looked at her wide eyed and back to Hermione. Hermione had an intense shocked expression on her face. I shook my head and said, "Alright... I'm getting out of here and I'm going to stop whatever Draco is doing."

Lost and Found | Severus Snape [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now