Two | The Dinner Party

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Most annoying dinner of all time.

I sat beside Liam, who sat across from the Malfoys who sat next to Mr. Dark and Mysterious who was across from me and my mother sitting at the edge of the dinner table, obviously trying to take up my father's dominance. I stared at her as she swirled the contents of wine in her glass.

The table was lavished with meats and potatoes, different assortments of rainbow greens and sauces that paired with everything there. A couple bottles of wine sat in the center which tempted me to snag one and hide under my bed as soon as this dinner ends.

I looked down at the prime rib that I've mutilated with my fork and knife out of boredom. It was now in pieces, scattered on my plate.

"So," my mother broke the silence, "Narcissa, your son goes to Hogwarts, how exceptional! Seems like you'll have a familiar face to see when you both go there." She referred to us. I gave Draco a dull narrow look and he winked with a smirk. Uhm, why?

"Well, Draco is put in Slytherin, Margaret." Narcissa said with grace yet pride, "Our family line are Slytherins. Both my husband and I."

"Best house to be in, to be factual," said Draco as he took a bite of his potatoes.

"Severus is also the Head of House for Slytherin." Narcissa pointed out. I glanced up at Snape who barely said a word since he sat down. I watched as it seemed he was playing with his food, his plate practically looking similar to my plate. I could only imagine his boredom was like mine. But, other than avoiding everyone's gaze at the table, he kept focus on my mother and Mrs. Malfoy, trying his hardest to look interested in their small talk.

"What's Slytherin?" I asked with a shrug to him and he gave me a harsh look considering my manner.

"One of the four houses in Hogwarts. Founded by Salazar Slytherin." He said, his tone montone, yet oddly offensive for me. I raised my eyebrows and nodded in little interest.

"What are the houses?" My brother asked, leaning closer to the table.

"There is Slytherin, students are cunning and ambitious. Gryffindor holds students that are daring with chivalry. Ravenclaw are for intellectual students with wit. And for Hufflepuff, students are hard workers and loyal to each other. The Sorting Hat would sort you in those houses." Snape drawled about, but I barely listened. His voice makes me want to sleep.

"There's a chance we'd be in different houses?" Liam asked and the boring git nodded.

"Get in Slytherin and I'll make sure you aren't alone," Draco said, "Practically run the lot!"

Snape shot Draco a death glare and Draco quickly looked down at his plate in a quick surrender. I almost choked on my food seeing such dominance. It was hilarious.

"So," Narcissa said to my mother as she diverted the tension between those two, "America! Seems awfully intimidating settling in a new country?"

"Yes, we came straight from California," my mother smiled.

"And I believe you both went to Salem's Witch Institute," Narcissa referred to us.

"Yes, ma'am, we'd take one of the underground trains to Massachusetts," said Liam.

"Why the sudden change?" She asked.

I glanced at Mom. She took a couple large gulps of her wine. I glanced at Liam and he kept quiet, looking down at his plate. I watched the curiosity grow on Narcissa and Draco and a slight confusion on Snape.

"My brother died," I blurted out simply.

"Olivia!" My mother snapped.

"And, then my dad left without a word." I continued, "Mom thought it would be nice to dump ourselves in a place we don't know without our friends or family we got left and ship me and Liam to a school. Not a big deal, really. Unless death and abandonment isn't much your style."

There was a deadly silence. I could feel the glares from my brother and the drained pale look of my mother's. I looked at the guests and they were flabbergasted.

With no emotion and stood up from the table. "May I be excused?" I asked politely, but no one answered. I turned away, walking out the dining hall and through the back hall leading to the backyard of the manor.

* * * * *

I sat on a bench facing the dark woods a few yards ahead. I had my knees up, hugging them with one arm and a cigarette in the other hand. Tonight was full of stars cascading across the black void of the night sky and I looked up and gave a small smile. It was quiet out here, the only sounds I heard was the light rustling of the leaves and a single owl hooting form a far distance in one of the trees in the forest.

"Never would of thought such an angst child smiles." I heard a voice and I twitched in surprise and looked over my shoulder. It was that Snape. I sighed in ignorance and looked at him.

"What do you want? Shouldn't you be inside with the adults drinking booze other than out here with me?" I said sarcastically.

"I prefer to be out at night than to stay in." He said, with his hands behind his back walking closer to me.

"Now you really do sound like a predator." I scoffed.

He scoffed under his breath as he shook his head and I gave him a glare.

"Your accent is absurd," he mentioned.

"Well, your accent is annoying. Have you heard yourself lately? Do you have a speech impediment?" I jabbed back.

"You must think of yourself to be clever, but it seems it would be evident that I would have to keep a close eye on you, Miss Wilson."

"More than now?"

"You don't have much respect for those around you. And Hogwarts asks only of your adoration and intellect. We do not tolerate insolent selfish students who don't follow the rules or respect the staff as myself. And I expect that with such an outburst inside, you'd bite your tongue when you attend the school."

I rolled my eyes. Why is he here? I put out my half cigarette on the edge of the bench and held onto my knees, embracing the chills of the wind.

I gave him a long stare until I said, "You're a head of house, right?"

"Yes." He said, taking random steps in the grass.

"What house would you think I'd be in?"

"That's for the Sorting Hat to decide."

"Screw the hat, I'm asking you."

Snape gave me a skeptical look and smirked. "May be the most heinous house of dunderheads yet."

I rolled my eyes again and said angrily, "Why the hell are you out here really?"

He smirked. "A fair warning."

(Author's Note):

A bit short to be honest, but it's something.

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