Author's Blah Blah Blah

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Blah Blah Blah Blah...

Anyways, I want to thank you all for reading this fanfiction. To be honest, I didn't think this book was ever going to be as great as Tarnished, and I never thought I'd have fun writing it. It was honestly suppose to be a Draco Malfoy fanfiction, I announced that before I made this. But, to be honest, I can't really see any kind of love for Draco Malfoy, honestly he was just an annoying fucking character. I guess that's why I portrayed my character, Olivia Wilson to have such a weird love / hate relationship-- ahem, I mean friendship with the guy. But, I'm a die hard lover for Snape and he's the only man for me... Other than my boyfriend, but he even knows Snape is my eternal senpai.

Also, I didn't think this series would go any good. I mean, I only had the ending in my head randomly. Suddenly, I thought of a simple beginning and started off throwing more and more ideas and thoughts into it. You could also say, these ideas were actual memories of mine. To be honest, when I was little, my father molested someone very close to me. And, the nightmares Olivia experienced with Caleb on the rooftop were a nightmare I had back then.

When my friend stood over the rail, I cried out for help, everyone was there, but no one would hear me. Of course, this was a dream. My friend never killed herself, though she warned me of my dad. So, a lot of this family drama was inspired from my actual life. INSPIRED. I didn't kill my Dad, he's still around, denying what happened. Anyway, that's how the Wilson family came as it was.

Plus, I would love to give a special thanks to UniGal1995 for the constant reminders of updating my fanfiction, she is a good watty buddy to me. And, to all the other story readers, I couldn't have published any more without you all. :)

Now, I'm not quite sure what to call the next book, if you have any title suggestions that a re close to the book one title, message me, I'll like to hear it. And, I hope you guys will stay around for the next book. It should be published... Mid September or sooner. Thanks.

Plus, for UniGal1995, check out her book, Beauty and the Beast, it's a real good read. I love her writing and plot and the romance between Snape and her character. It's beautiful. :)

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