Twenty Eight | Legilimency

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I replayed over and over in my head of what happened earlier today. It seemed that Draco wanted to save me from all the school tormenting in the most craziest of ways. To spread a rumor confirming the previous rumor that we are indeed together. But, he certainly wished. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the guy. Draco is self centered, ignorant, an idiot... But, he's my friend, I won't deny that. Even though his way of 'saving' someone is to think getting hitched is the right way to steer in these kind of situations. Or... Did he actually want that? Was this his creepy little scheme to be with me? Does he even like me in such a way?

But, everyone stayed clear of me. After the study hall, I was actually bombarded by many girls, even from different houses, begging me how he was like. Asked how long we've been together, what his favorite color was, how his hair smelled like... Was he this irresistible? I don't see it. Maybe the way he always had that smug look really gave me a nerve. I sat on the balcony on the seventh floor, leaning my body into the rail, inhaling deeply of my cigarette, breathing out as I gazed towards the stars.

I was waiting for him. Snape, that is.

And it got me thinking of what he'd possibly say or his reaction towards the whole 'I'm in a relationship with the infamous Draco Malfoy' stunt. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd try to cancel our Legilimency lessons... Again. But, as I heard footsteps approaching me from behind, I spun around and sighing with relief, it was him. He stood before the archway, leaning his arm into the wall as he had his eyebrow raised.

"Mrs. Malfoy," he said with some amusement. I narrowed my eyes and retorted, "Not funny."

I took one more hit of my cigarette before flicking it over the rails and walked to Snape and we started our way down the hall. "I feel I may have a regret returning your case to yu. Seeing how you'd just litter all over the campus."

"Oh, it probably fell in the lake somewhere, no one'll see it." I shrugged.

"And probably be eatened by a Grindylow." he scoffed, "Not much for the environment."

"I hate Grindylows... So, you aren't mad?"

"Mad of what?"

"About... What Draco pulled earlier today?"

Snape stopped in his tracks and looked at me with a smirk. "An why would I feel madabout such a stunt, Olivia? You say it as though we're a couple."

I held my breath at his remark and he noticed my sudden surprise, but rolled his eyes and continued walking on. We gotten to the Room of Requirement, walked through the wall chanting our reason of being there, and emerged into a room of mirrors. "I'm not going to lie," I said as I walked through the room, looking at every reflection of myself, "This is kind of creepy. Like a house of mirrors."

"House of mirrors are creepy to you?" he questioned, with little belief in his words.

"Hell yeah, last time I walked through a house of mirrors, Liam and Caleb thought it'd be funny to scare the hell out of me by leaving me alone to find my own way out. I was eight, by the way," I pointed out.

Snape chuckled, keeping his hands behind his hands, keeping his gaze on me.

"Well, you'll be seeing this room more often for our lessons." he said. I stopped in front of a mirror, looking at his reflection and asked, "And, why is that?"

"Mirrors are like a gateway, you can say, into another realm that can cast you into others' minds." He said, standing close behind me.

"You lost me on that one," I laughed with a shrug and he shook his head.

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