Twenty Three | Bullied

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Sunday morning...

And I expected myself to sleep in all morning...

"Olly! C'mon, Olly! Wake up!"

Suddenly, I felt a pressure against my cheek and I struggled to get up. "Gwe— Gwe— wha- are you—" I muffled through the pillow as she suffocated me with it. "Oh," she murmured, pulling the pillow away from me, "I'm sorry. I was trying to wake you up."

"By suffocating me?" I coughed, groggily sitting up in bed. Gwen sat beside me, clutching the pillow to her chest. The cold dungeon of a dormitory was dark and gloomy, just how I liked it, but the candles burned brightly and hurt my eyes. "Turn those off!" I exclaimed, throwing my blanket over my face, "What time is it?"

"Eight thirty." said Gwen, "But, that's not important!"

"You're right. My beauty sleep is... Get out." I mumbled under the blanket.

"Olly!" Gwen shouted, "Wake up!"

"Why?" I shouted back, throwing the blanket off, angrily.

"Don't tell me you're dating Draco Malfoy." she said quickly and I cocked an eyebrow.

"What?" I said and she groaned in agitation.

"Everyone's saying they saw you and Draco yesterday on a date! You two were drinking, then he bought you chocolates, and then you both hid to snog—"

"WHAT?" And before I even knew it, I was standing up, feeling the icy cool floor against my toes, "We didn't snog! Nor did we go on a date! Draco wanted to hang out, as friends!"

"Well, everyone says different." Gwen bent down and whispered, "I heard Blaise is pissed! And Astoria has a bone to pick with you, now."

"There is no bone to pick!" I growled, kicking my legs over the bed, "Who started this damned rumor anyways?"

"I don't know exactly. But, everyone was at Hogsmeade, anyone would've."

I sighed in frustration and glanced at Gwen as I thrusted my hair back from my face. "Does Draco know?" I asked.

"That... You guys are dating?"

"No!" I snapped, "That people think we're dating!"

"Oh... I don't know... Last time I heard, he was heading towards the east wing."

I stood up from bed, throwing my arms in the air for a good stretch. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a white T shirt, throwing them on quickly. "Where are you going?" Gwen asked, standing up abruptly, standing in my way.

"I'm going to find Draco," I said, avoiding Gwen and throwing on my black cloak.

"Wait!" she cried and pulled my hair, having my yelp.

"Grab my arm," I barked, "Not my hair!"

"Sorry!" Gwen stammered, "But, I had to warn you! You can't go to the common room! Astoria is there in the worse of moods and Blaise is standing by the stone wall." I blinked and shook my head. "What am I going to do now, then?" I asked, cupping my hands over my hips.

Gwen tapped her lip as she was in deep thought and gasped, "The window!"

The window?

"There's no windows in here," I said, "It's a dungeon. We're underground."

"No, there is one window here. It's in the bathroom, but it's hidden. It's enchanted up on the fourth floor. C'mon," Gwen said as she grasped my wrist and dragged me to the bath. I looked around, squinting my eyes and find any crook or cranny in the bath, but saw nothing. "Right here," Gwen said and pulled out her wand. On the white tile wall, there was a small Slytheirn crest above the tub. Gwen tapped the crest lightly twice and the crest glowed, pushing in and the tiles began to fold within themselves, revealing an arch like shape.

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