Thirty Eight | End of the School Year

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He yelled at me. And, I didn't even butt into Draco's business. But, it got me really trying to puzzle in, why was he so overly protective for Draco? What was Draco hiding? I sat in my bed, contemplating everything in my head of what happened this past year. And, it wasn't much for me to figure anything out. I just finished off my homework for the day and lit the end of my wand, having my cat flick at it with his paws, trying to catch the little fairy game. I did remember the times Draco acted off, depressed and kept to himself. I knew from the times we stayed in the Astronomy Tower, how he simply let me know he was trying to make his family proud, how I overheard him and Snape arguing, the Room of Requirement.

And, then it hit me.

I sat upright in bed, dropping my wand; the light going out as Atticus clawed it, confused. Draco was obviously hiding something, something within the Room of Requirement. But, what was it? Maybe my assumption of Draco being a Death Eater was true. Snape warned me, again, not to attempt to figure out Draco, but with the war going on, my mother harboring Death Eater meetings, Summers cries, Draco acting unusual, and Snape knowing much more than what he led on, my curiosity was over flowing.

* * * * *

"Guess what?" Gwen squealed.

It was the ending of the school year. I decided to follow Gwen and Neville into the Greenhouse in the castle where they were growing their god awful looking cannibal plant. The plant sat on one of the tables, in a large garden pot. Thick black spiny roots were crawling out the pot, the plant was black, shriveled and tall, maybe three feet. It had a head of a ripped up flower, the middle where should be the pollen, was a suction cup looking mouth. Neville had a handful of rose petals in his hand, hesitantly filling the mouth of the ugly plant with them, the plant eating them happily. Gwen jumped up and down as she held out a paper towards me. "I got my grades!" She exclaimed, "Just, give them a look see!"

I took the note from her hand, leaning into a table, away from the plant. It was the list of all the studies of Hogwarts that she took the exams on.

Ancient Runes............................. Acceptable
Potions....................................... Outstanding
Transfiguration........................... Exceeds Expectations
Divination................................... Poor
Defence Against the Darks............ Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures............. Acceptable
Arithmancy................................. Poor
History of Magic.......................... Exceeds Expectations
Muggle Studies........................... Dreadful

I looked up with a wide smile to Gwen and threw my arms over her shoulders and gave her a hug. "Good job, Gwen!" I exclaimed and as I let her and examined the letter. "Though," I said, "You kind of failed Divination, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies."

"Those courses aren't as important as my other classes!" she said, "Not as important as my Herbology class! Thanks, Neville!" She turned around and wrapped her arms around Neville's neck and embraced him. Neville blushed madly, dropping the petals onto the floor; the cannibal plant stretching out its stem to eat them. I gave a sly smirk to Neville who's face turned a beet red. "Look at that," I sighed, "A new friendship." Gwen let go of Neville and blushed brightly.

"No," Gwen denied, "He helped me out! With the extra credit I'm getting, there's no wonder I passed with an Outstanding!"

"You were going to get an Outstanding either way," said Neville, "You're a natural green thumb." I rolled my eyes as they both blushed pink and turned away.

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