Twenty Nine | Another Lost

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And that's when my world came crashing on me, a piercing pressure pushing against my heart. My stomach churned and I couldn't stand anymore I staggered a step back and looked up at Draco, who took a step towards me quickly and grasped my arms, holding me up.

"My Dad's dead," I croaked quietly and Draco nodded softly. I could feel the hot tears roll down my cheeks as I let out a small whimper. Everyone's eyes were now on me and I couldn't handle the attention. I pulled away from Draco's grasp and turned my heel, bolting for the doors.

"Olly!" Liam called out and in the corner of my eye, I saw him stand up abruptly from the Gryffindor Table and ran towards my way. As I rushed out the hall and around the corner, Liam grasped my arm and pulled me towards him. I threw my arms around his torso and pulled him in, sobbing against his chest.

"I know, Olly," he whispered, pulling me tighter against him, stroking my hair with his free hand.

"Why?" I cried, "How?"

I looked up at Liam with tearful eyes. He gave me a stern look, his jaw tense and his eyebrows furrowed. "Let's... Find somewhere more private. Come on," he whispered, taking my arm into his and rushing us to a secluded area. He took me to a small door in one of the halls, which looked like a cramped greenhouse, overlooking the Irish Sea. Several pots of different herbs and vines posted against the window panes and tall bushes along the walls. As he walked me in, I noticed a red blanket and an empty picnic basket in the corner beside an open window.

"Someone's been here..." I whispered, wiping my tears and runny nose on my sleeve.

Liam looked at me with wide eyes and shrugged. "Luna and I come up here sometimes..." He muttered and I noticed him blush a bright pink. I would usually tease him and beg him for utter disgusting details to blackmail him later, but it just wasn't a good time.

I felt broken, shattered into pieces. Confused. Scared.

"What happened to Dad?" I stammered, giving myself little bravery to know why. Liam sat beside the open window and I took a seat beside him. I sniffled and wiped more excess tears as I shakily pulled out a cigarette from my case and struggled to light it with my lighter. Liam, who usually protests against my habit, took the lighter from my hands and held it up to my cigarette, sparking it.

I lit the cigarette, laying my head against the windowsill, taking a huge hit. Liam sat back and pulled the Daily Prophet that was folded up in his robe pocket. He unfolded it and straightened it out. He sighed.

He looked up at me and I glanced back at him and I said, "I just can't read it..."

Liam cleared his throat and gave a long pause. Then he read,

Jameson Wilson Found Dead

Jameson Christopher Wilson was pronounced dead at the scene in the Muggle's World of Azusa Canyons, CA. He was found by muggle authorities in a deserted river deep within the canyons in his muggle vehicle. It seem that he lost control of his vehicle and fell off the canyon, meeting his demise in a river below and drowned. Though his death is questioned to be a devastating car wreck, Magical Authorities have taken over the case and is investigating his death.

I kept my mouth covered against my sleeve the whole time and stifled a whimper, wiping more tears. I looked at Liam as his face went pale and he looked very tense. "...Liam?" I asked, but he stood up abruptly, throwing the Daily Prophet out the window.

"Well," Liam said stretching his arms out, "He's gone. He's been gone. What's the difference?"

"What?" I blurted out, "How can you say that?"

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