Six | Recognition in Detention

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After a half hour of sulking and resisting the urge of breaking things, I ended up cleaning myself up and taking my Alchemy class. Which was extroadinary. I never took an Alchemy class, but it did struck me as an interest back at my old school. I guess the idea of turning plain stone into gold was amazing. But, to learn how to make universal elixirs that can cheat death was more than I expected.

Too bad Snape kicked me out of the class this year, it would've been a lot of help. But, now I'd have to be face to face with that crood at seven o'clock tonight. After Professor Magnuson finished his segment, I packed my stuff. I left the room to see Gwen outside, eating a oatmeal biscuit.

"Gwen?" I said and she looked at me with a smile.

"Remembered you had this class. Biscuit?" She held up a plastic bag of biscuits towards me.

"More like a cigarette...." I grumbled and she frowned.

"You smoke? I didn't know that... Erm, it's actually against school rules, but..."

"I had a bad day." I groaned.

"Well, we can go to the boathouse. Its usually empty until Saturdays when the school gets stocked supplies. Let's go there."

* * * * *

We climbed the ladder of the boathouse and found a decent corner. I hung my leg over the ledge as I leaned against the wall and Gwen was next to me, her legs dangling. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes from my inside pocket in my robe and sparked one up, inhaling deeply and breathed out slowly.

"So... What happened?" Gwen asked as she popped another biscuit in her mouth.

"Got expelled out of Snape's class." I said, looking out into the lake.

"What? How did you do that?" She exclaimed bewildered.

"That Viola snuck something in my potion and it exploded! I couldn't help, but attempt to hex her... But, Snape got in the way. He started yelling at me and I yelled back. Then he tried to... Well, use Legilimency on me--"

"Professor Snape knows Legilimency?" She said with raised eyebrows.

"Apparently! And I know a few hacks in Occlumency, so I blocked him off."

"What? Crazy! Not a lot of wizards can master that... What's up with Viola anyway? She usually bullies kids out of class--"

I took another puff, "She's a bitch, that's what! And Blaise and I almost had the potion--"

"Blaise? Blaise Zabini?"

"Uh, yeah?"

Gwen's eyes went wide and leaned towards me in shock. "No wonder she's going mad! Blaise broke up with Viola last year at the end of our second term! He never even told her why or for what! He just shrugged her off and left. She's probably acting out because she's jealous!"

"Well, I could see why he'd do that, he said she was a bitch, too."

"Well, if you continue hanging out with Blaise, you'll make things worse."

"I guess things'll get worse." I simply said. Gwen's jaw dropped and she gasped.

"Do you like Blaise?" She questioned.

I shrugged and smirked behind my cigarette. Gwen gasped again and pounced at me as she threw her hands on my shoulders and shook me. "Are you serious? You really like him?"

"Ack! Stop! You'll make us fall!" I yelled, pulling myself away from the ledge. Gwen stopped and a wide smile played on her face.

"I wouldn't think Draco would like that much. I over heard him on my lunch break about how he thinks you're hard to get--"

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