Eleven | Reopening the Wounds

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The following chapter may contain material that may be harmful or traumatizing to some viewers.

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I leaned against the gate outside the Astronomy Tower as I lazily smoked my cigarette. I watched the scenery of white ice, snow falling against the icy black lake and landscape. Snowflakes floated above me, falling in my hair and my cloak. I liked this tower. Not everyone climbed up this tower after school and it gave me time to think to myself.

Snape was a Death Eater. Which didn't really surprise me though, the way he is and how he acts towards everyone. He dresses like he'd be on the dark side, though it could mean he's showing his loneliness and independence. Still, it got me thinking why he'd join. I never knew the true reasons why Death Eaters became who they were, more because for power and recognition, for pureblood order.

But, was Snape really like that?

I flicked my cigarette and turned to leave, to notice Malfoy standing a few feet from me at the edge of the stairs. "What are you doing up here?" He grunted. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was ragid and unclean, his robes messy. He looked dreadful and tired, but I crossed my arms in protest.

"Cigarette break, if it wasn't obvious." I said curtly.

He gave me a stern glare, but looked way too exhausted to care. He walked towards me and passed me by towards the balcony. He stopped midway and turned back to me and muttered, "Can I get one?"

"One what?" I replied cautiously.

"A bloody cigarette," he snapped, but then added softly, "Please."

I stood there and sighed, "Fine, but it's not the real thing." Referring to my mimicking charm and pulled a cigarette out of my pack and handed it to him. He took it and walked to the balcony, putting it in his mouth lazily. He leaned against the balcony and I followed his lead, pulling out a lighter.

"You can't light it without fire," I said as I held out the lighter and he gave me a dumbfounded look.

"What the bloody hell is that?" He grunted and I rolled my eyes. "Its a damn lighter, that's what it is! Ugh, look. Here," I said and lit the lighter, protecting it from current winds with one hand. Draco looked at it skeptically, but ended up lighting the cigarette, taking in a long puff. I watched him as he leaned into the gate, gazing out just like how I was earlier.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked quietly, but he gave no answer as though he didn't hear. "I came up here to think," I added.

It took a few seconds to get his response, "I do, too."

"Well," I said with a smirk as I leaned my back and elbows against the gate, "Don't we Slytherins think alike?" He didn't respond after that. He just kept his eyes on the frozen lake, almost seemed empty in those icy blue eyes, the little words he spoke. It reminded me of Caleb, and his last days...

"Look," I said lowering my face to meet his, "I know you want to be alone, but I'm not leaving you. I don't want to turn away and you jump off--" The image of my twin brother's body in the morgue flashed between my eyes andi shuttered, looking away. Draco didn't notice that, but scoffed and said, "Don't be stupid. I wouldn't jump."

"Good. So... What's up?" I asked and he shook his head.

"None of your business," he said tiredly, smoking the cigarette heavily.

"I'm a good listener," I added with a sweet smile. He gave me an uncertain look and said, "All of a sudden so interested in my life, Wilson? Doesn't seem like you were fond of me before."

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