Twenty Four | Seven Seconds in Heaven

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Author's Note

Teachers are never there when you need them, huh?

* * * * *

I cried.

I never liked crying.

But, there I was, in the girls' lavatory, washing off the yolk and flour off my face. I pulled off my cloak slowly, trying to scrub off the egg and whimpered. They took my wand. I sighed and shuttered, wringing out my cloak. I threw my hair in the sink, scrubbing it with a bar of soap. I shook my head wildly and gloomily walked out the lavatory.

All of a sudden, I felt a large splash of ice cold water hit my side as I walked out the door, the ice cubes crashing onto my skin. I screamed in shock and gasped as I felt the cool air wisp around me.

"Take a bath, skank!" yelled two first year Slytherins, giggling as they threw the empty bucket and ran down the hall. I started shaking wildly and stiffly walked down the hall. Was it always going to be like this? Passing students, from Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw gave me weird looks as I passed by, my crossed and my cloak tucked between them. I was dripping wet, avoiding curious eyes on me. Some kind of heat hit me in the back now and I stopped, screaming in surprise. It felt nice though and I slowly looked behind me. It was Luna, her wand held up, emitting a hot air charm.

"L-Luna..." I stammered, shivering as I slowly turned to her.

"You looked cold," Luna said with a smile, "I thought you'd like that."

I smiled back at her and said, "Yeah, I do. Thank you . Do you mind, uhm, drying me off?"

"No problem," she said, "Just spin around a few times." I nodded, handing her my wet cloak and spinning slowly. Luna ended up drying me with her wand in about a few minutes. I ended up sitting at a bench in the nearby courtyard, my cloak laying on the grass as Luna dried it with the charm.

"That's not very nice, it's pretty horrid, actually." Luna said.

"Yeah... And, they have my wand now." I said, slumping over.

"Why don't you tell the teachers?"

"If I tell the teachers, Viola and them won't stop. They'll make it worse."

"Well... Why not tell Snape? I mean, he's your head of house, right? And, everyone listens to him, he's scary."

I couldn't help, but laugh and said, "I don't want to burden the man with my problems, he may not even care anyways."

"I thought he would. Liam said you must be his favorite student, because you both talk a lot to each other." I cocked my head back and said, "What? He said that? Liam doesn't know a thing. Snape and I? we hate each other." I murmured, looking at the ground. Luna stood up and grabbed my cloak off the ground, dusting off the grass. "Good as new," she said, handing it to me. I stood up with a wide smile and threw on my cloak.

"Thank you, Luna," I said, "I wouldn't know what to do walking like a popsicle like that any minute."

"No problem, I'll see you later then. I have to head over to the Hospital Wing." she turned to leave.

"Wait... Why?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, because of this," she said and lifted her dress. There, right above her leggings, was a monkey like tail attached to her. I gasped and said, "What is that thing?"

"Some fourth years thought they'd try out their new hex on me," Luna shrugged, "But, I know Madam Pomfrey has an Anti-Monkey draught in her office." Luna then waved goodbye and left me there, dumbfounded.

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