Twenty Five | Trapped

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Author's Note
So the picture above is the Wilson siblings. Left to right; Caleb / Olivia / Liam. I was bored AND also I forgot who I casted for Caleb. So I randomly took time to look for that mystery man and found out his name is Jake Abel? You know, I think he's from the host? Well, anyways I made this unnecessary photo just to show who the Wilson Siblings are. :)

Also, I haven't wrote in a while. Not that I had writer's block, it was because I am so easily distracted with other things. I went back on here and was all "shit, why haven't I wrote this yet?" haha well here it is. Enjoy.

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Aside of a broken wand, it wasn't the first thing on my mind. It was Severus. It was last night. And not when I was hiding from the whole student body, but when he kissed me. It felt like a dream, I was shocked the entire time till I fell asleep in my dorm. What happened? What really led him to step up like that?

I rubbed my eyes, prying them open as I lazily lifted my head off my pillow. I squinted at the time on top of my end table beside my bed to notice I slept in an hour. I gasped and threw my legs over my bed and looked towards Gwen's bed. She was gone. Actually, my dorm was deserted. I groaned in aggravation, wondering who exactly was the one to mess with my clock and why the hell Gwen decided not to wake my ass up. I threw myself up and ran to the bathroom, jumping into the shower and viciously washed my body and hair. As the soap suds rained off my body, I noticed it was almost a pinkish color. I held my breath and grabbed my hair, horrified. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my naked body to notice my hair with a bubble gum pink!

"What the fuck!" I screamed, grasping my hair in fists and groaned. Someone tampered with my shampoo. Who the hell was it? Was it Astoria? Gloria? Summers? Parkinson?... Gwen?

It couldn't been Gwen, but where is she now? It could've been anyone, the whole house was against me. I walked out of the bathroom, my terrifying hair rolled in a towel and walked to my drawers. I slowly pulled open my drawers, scared to see any other tricks everyone was doing to me. And with my relief, nothing. My clothes were neatly folded how I left them, my white shirts and ties were untouched. I sighed in relief as I pulled on my clothes, slipped on my shoes, and rolled my hair in a bun and tucked it away in a black hat I had hanging on my bedpost. I grabbed my bookbag and took one last look in the mirror. If only I had my damn wand...

I grabbed my broken wand from under my pillow and stowed it in m bag. I walked out the common room, knowing I missed breakfast and dragged myself to Herbology.

"Vampire pumpkins," Professor Sprout announced as she held up a cage of a most putrid looking pumpkin with its thick grey vines whipping above, "Nasty little things, they are. It is when you feed the vines of a pumpkin blood on a full moon, they transform into vampires!-- Miss Wilson!" Professor Sprout looked back as I ran into the classroom, catching my breath, "I don't tolerate with tardiness. Ten points from Slytherin! Now, if you could please take your seat and if you are late again, it will result into detention."

"I'm sorry, Professor Sprout." I mumbled, avoiding snickering and eye contact with the class. I stumbled to my chair, throwing my bag beside it, keeping a good distance from Blaise, who I sat with, regrettably. He didn't' even bother to glance at me, or acknowledge me for that manner. I rolled my eyes and gave a disgusting look at the pumpkin. I could hear a low hissing noise coming from it and I shuddered. "I want all of you to write an essay on the Vampire Pumpkin. Just one page on its description and history. I want it turned in at the end of class. I will leave this baby here, so you lot have a good sight of it. Begin." Professor Sprout said as she patted the cage and the pumpkin hissed loudly, having a few students jump.

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