Seven | Trouble in the Forest

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The look on Viola's face when I came into class today. The bitch thought she could keep me out. Snape ended up having her seat moved opposite side of the class from me, closer to the Ravenclaws. I continued to have Blaise as my partner and we were top of our class that day. But, it didn't stop Snape from telling me,

"I want you outside the Suspension Bridge at seven o'clock tonight for your detention, Wilson," he sneered. Didn't seem like he was in a good mood, though maybe because he hated to be around teenagers. Why did he keep this job anyway?

My jaw dropped as I stopped what I was working on with Blaise; which was a group essay and whined, "I'm slumped with homework as it is! I can't afford a stupid field trip."

"Well, maybe you should learn how to shut that mouth of yours then, Wilson," he hissed, "I expect you there tonight. That is final." And with that he spun away to his desk, his cloak annoyingly bellowing behind him.

* * * * *

Gwen and I leaned on the wall of the Tapestry Corridor, watching first years admire the moving portraits as they greeted the students. "How do you like Hogwarts?" Asked Gwen as she snacked on an acid pop. "Eh... The fact Snape is killing me with detention and Viola is secretly planning on killing me in my sleep? It's alright."  I said nonchalantly.

"It'd get better. I mean, you got Draco and Blaise hanging off your shoulders and you've made friends." She said, chewing on the lollipop.

"Ha! Draco? Please, can't he lay off me?"

"He's not all that bad. He's really cool. He's actually Seeker for our Quidditch team." Gwen pulled an oatmeal cookie from her robes.

"Explains the jock attitude... Woah, you're gonna lose your teeth the way you're wolfing down your sweets!" I exclaimed.

"As long as it isn't my sweet tooth, I'm alright." She giggled.

"I hope it's your sweet tooth! Gimme one, by the way." I said and held out my hand and she pulled another cookie and gave it to me.

We walked along the Viaduct bridge and noticed an unfortunate familiar twenty feet away messing with a Gryffindor my age at the end of the bridge.

"That's Neville Long bottom!" Gwen said pointing at the awkward Gryffindor, "He's the one I told you about! Sprout's prodigy..." She didn't sound that excited.

"Seems like Viola isn't being very nice," I said crossing my arms.

"She's with Pansy Parkinson... I don't think you want to mess with her when they're together." Whispered Gwen.

Viola stood over this Longbottom with a goonie of hers and this Parkinson and two of her friends. I was greatly outnumbered. "I hope you don't think of protecting him?" Scoffed Gwen, "He's not worth it. He's such a dork!"

"Do you hear yourself?" I said, "Besides! I want Viola to get what she deserves after attacking me."

"And going up against her with four other girls is not the way!" Warned Gwen.

I noticed Longbottom getting angered and closed the gap between him and Viola. I mean, he may be a guy, but let's not get sexist here... They'll fuck his ass up!

I pulled out my wand and secretly aimed it at Viola, muttering, "Furnunculus!"

And unfortunately, my aim isn't the best. It ended up hitting Parkinson and one of Viola's friends and their face and hands burst into boils.

"What?!" Parkinson gasped and the girls started squealing like pigs and running around like chickens. They started to run and Parkinson yelled, "You're dead, Longbottom!" And they ran into the halls. I couldn't help, but laugh and Gwen joined in. Longbottom looked up and noticed us and he gave a doubtful look. I looked back at him and crossed my arms with a smirk. We stared at each other for at least a few seconds until he asked, "Did you do that?"

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