Thirty Seven | Hide and Seek

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I didn't know what to do exactly.

Spring was here, the school year was ending.

Gwen was swamped with her OWLs testing and that Neville guy that I barely spent time with her. And, since Snape was apparently busy with other things, I haven't seen him for a week. My brother was gone, maybe home schooling and dealing with Mom's bullshit and here I was, sitting slumped at the Slytherin table. Draco was nowhere to be seen and that was how it was most the times. Today was the Quidditch match and I watched the Gryffindor team parading around their table, wondering how Liam must feel knowing he wasn't here to celebrate today's match. I sighed deeply and looked at my pumpkin juice. I had enough of sulking around with no friends to be with.

I stood up, casually walking to the middle of the table and grasping the gold plate display with half of what was left of the chocolate raspberry chocolate cake, having a few third years hissing and awing, but daring not to cross my path. I walked out the Great Hall, heading towards the dungeons. Everyone was too busy, running off towards the Quidditch field.

"Olly!" I heard Gwen's voice and I stopped immediately, looking at her dumbfounded to notice Neville behind her. "Oh. Hey."  I muttered, holding the cake. Neville and Gwen gave me the most weirdest expression and Gwen cleared her throat. "What are you doing with that cake?" she asked, "C'mon, Quidditch is today! Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw, it's going to be crazy!"

"Yeah, you could, erm... Sit with us, Olivia." Neville said, still puzzled by the cake.

"It's Olly," I corrected Neville, "And, yeah, sure! Why not? But, uh... I'm going to... Uhm, drop it off..."

Neville raised an eyebrow, though Gwen gave a laugh and said, "Go on ahead! And hurry up!" Gwen said and we waved our goodbyes. I watched her leave with Neville, their arms touching and them in a happy conversation. I never thought for a second Gwen would actually enjoy herself in company with a Gryffindor, but I was very proud of her. I walked down the spiral staircase and walked down the hall, finding it nearly empty because of the match. I walked to Snape's office and knocked on the door.

"Open." I heard his voice on the end. I juggled the cake in one hand and opened the door, kicking it wider open as I saw Snape sitting at his desk with boxes of files. He looked rather bored, but looked up confused as he watched me stumble in with a cake. "Olivia," Snape said putting down his quill, "What are you doing with that cake?"

"Oh, this?" I said innocently as I walked around his desk and laid it in front of him, "Thought you were hungry, brought it as a sweet treat!" He pushed his chair back and gave me a glare. "I don't eat sweets," He grunted, "Thought you knew that about me."

"Who doesn't like cake," I said and forced myself on his lap, wrapping a arm around his neck, "You can't fight me for trying."

"Olivia," Snape breathed as he pushed the cake to the side as he grabbed his quill, "You need to leave."

"Why?" I asked, "Look, I know you're mad about Draco, but he was hurt and it was him who grabbed my hand--"

"Olivia," Snape cut me off, "I know that, but..."

"But, what?" I shrugged, "You don't want to spend time with me? It's a frigging Saturday!"

"Listen to me," He said sternly and I shut my mouth, "Any minute, Mr. Potter will be knocking on that--" There was a knock at the door, "Door." I raised both my eyebrows in shock and looked back at Snape. Severus shook his head and I whispered, "Well, I'll leave then! I'm just a fellow Slytherin helping you with your papers!" I looked at the cake and pointed at it, "And brought you a cake! I'm a teacher's pet." Severus gave me a look of disbelief and we heard the door knob shift. I gasped and fell to my knees off his lap, clapping my hand over my mouth as I stubbed my knee into the desk.

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