Sixteen | Christmas Ball

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Author's Note

So... Let's have fun. This was an interesting chapter to write and I hope you enjoy this one. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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Tonight was the ball and I've been hyperventilating since. Severus Snape was coming to this festivity and I was going to look like a damned porcelain doll. As I stood in front of three body mirrors in a fittingroom, watching Coco, throwing herself around as she touched up my dress and hair, I frowned.

Mon was standing behind me in her long cream color dress as she put on her earrings. "What's wrong, Olivia?"

"I look like I'd be displayed in a doll shop, Mom!" I whined, pulling at the tight curls in my hair as Coco jumped up and froze in the air as she curled my hair with a bewitched curling iron. "Move!" My Mom barked at Coco as she swiped her hand to the house elf. Coco yelped and threw herself to a wall, cowering in the corner. Mom grabbed the curling iron and started running her fingers through my hair.

"Stupid elf can't curl decent blonde hair," she mumbled as she curled the ends.

"Don't be too hard on her," I said, "you use to love Coco!"

"Hmph," she scoffed and glanced at Coco who looked away quickly, "This is truly a beautiful dress, set for a princess. Would you like me to help you with your make up?"

"Oh, no! I got that!" I said eagerly.

Mom finished my hair and walked to a vanity, where she drank her red wine heavily. I glanced back at Coco, who still cowered in the corner and I felt bad for her. I looked back into the mirror and played with my hair, then went to a vanity start my make up.

* * * * *

I walked through the main hall where we were going to have the ball. I was dressed and heeled, my make up gold glitter and sharp eye liner. I watched as men hovered the streamers over the giant chandeliers that hung above our heads and as they pulled in marble tables and chairs. Everything was draped in gold, silver, and white, mistletoe vined along the walls.

The whole place was lavished in candle lights and I noticed the band setting up on the round stage in the center of the hall.

"Olly," I heard Lian behind me. I spun around to catch a glimpse of him by the large arch doors, leaning into the frame. He was dressed in a black tuxedo draped with a slim fit cloak and a white tie and his hair combed, tho gelled in a style. "Aren't you cute?" I teased as I walked up to him, my heels echoing through the hall.

"You look like a baby doll," he smiled back and I crossed my arms in protest. "Hey," he chuckled, "I heard you complaining down the hall a couple hours ago. Can... We talk for a minute? Over here?" He cocked his head toward a vacant hall, away from workers. I raised an eyebrow and followed him, in a darker section of the hall.

"What is it?" I asked cautiously.

"You... And Snape... What really were you two doing down there?" He asked slowly and quietly. I took a step back and retorted, "Hasn't he already told you and Mom?"

"You like to run off, but quite coincidental it happen to be with Snape."

"I noticed him-- wait... What does that suppose to mean?"

"Head of Slytherin? In a dark and creepy alley full of dark magic?"

"Are you referring that I'm having some sort of secret meetings with my professor? About dark magic?"

"He was a Death Eater--"

"Tough shit! He was a Death Eater and I wasn't there to meet him! I went down there because I wanted to buy something to get back at Summers and Parkinson--"

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