Thirty One | The Investigation

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"I can't believe your brother got expelled!" Gwen exclaimed as she relaxed on her bed, eating chocolate bonbons and petted Atticus generously as he slept soundly by her side. It was the day after, classes were over and I was relieved I was out of that hell hole. Snape had the worse black eye today in class and wouldn't even give me a glance and when I attempted to stay after, he ushered the whole class out and closed the door in my face before I could respond. And, yes, my brother got expelled. I wasn't surprised, I knew he and Mother had a conference with Professor Dumbledore and as I heard from Luna, he accepted to be kicked out. And, I felt this was all my fault.

"He didn't even say good bye to you, right? What a jerk!" she muffled out as she popped another bonbon in her mouth.

"Yeah, I get it, Gwen. Let's drop it, alright?" I moaned as I stood up from bed and straightened out my skirt, "Let's go to the Great Hall-- Stop eating those! You'll spoil your dinner!" Gwen gave me a sour face and hid the bonbons underneath her bed and stood up. After I impatiently waited for Gwen while she dressed my cat in a ghastly green sweater, we left the dormitories to find a crowd of our classmates surrounding the billboard. "What's going on here?" Gwen questioned, "Let's check it out!" She pulled my arm and she maneuvered through the crowd, as I had to squeeze through.

"Apparition Classes?" Gwen read. I looked up at the billboard and noticed in thick red letters of what she read. I continued to read;

If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before the 31st of August next, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor. Please sign below if you woulds like to participate. Cost 12 Galleons.

"Wouldn't that be amazing?" Gwen squealed, jumping up and down, "Oh! I wish I was of age! When is your birthday, Olly?"

"Uhm, August third." I replied, scanning the requirements.

"You should totally do it! It's only twelve galleons." she said with a smirk, "It's in two Saturdays! Do it, Olly!"

"Alright, alright, you don't have to tell me once!" I laughed, "C'mon, I'm starving!" I pulled Gwen from the crowd, until someone else grabbed my hand and pulled me from her. I gasped, Gwen whipping around in confusion, then smiled wide to see the culprit. "Oh, hey, Draco!" I narrowed my eyes and looked behind me to see Draco pull me towards him and he wrapped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me so close that my face was an inch from his.

"Hello, gorgeous! Going to dinner without me?" he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes. I slipped my hands against his chest and pushed him off of me, he backed a couple steps away. "Yeah, I think we spend too much time together," I said innocently and locked arms with Gwen, "Thought you'd wanna be with your friends over there." I pointed at the small crowd of fourth years staring helplessly at Draco with high pitch giggles. Draco looked back and gave a shrug.

"I don't mess with little kids," Draco said, putting his hands in his pockets, "Let's get some dinner. You and me."

"No, I'm going to get some dinner with Gwen, thank you for the offer." I said as I rolled my eyes and pulled Gwen with me. We raced to the wall and as it opened, Draco pounced on my back. "Draco! Get off of me!" I shouted and Draco managed to put me in a headlock. "Fat chance, Wilson, you're my girlfriend, I'm taking you to the Great Hall--" he struggled with a laugh.

"I'm not in the mood for games--" I growled.

"Oh..." Gwen said, not paying attention to neither of us, "Hello, Professor."

Draco and I froze and Draco quickly took his hands off of me and stood up straight. I looked up as I fixed my hair to see a not so happy Snape in front of us. "Miss Wilson, you need to come with me. If you're not too busy playing with your boyfriend here," sneered Snape, I winced at his comment. I noticed his eye looked much better, but still a ring of dark purple underneath the bag of his eye. "What for?" I asked sheepishly.

"The headmaster would like to speak with you." he said. My eyes widened and I blurted out, "What for?"

"Just come along, girl, I haven't got all day!" he jeered as he turned his heel. I slumped my shoulders and gave Gwen and Draco one last look before leaving. We walked side by side towards the Headmaster's office, with little communication with each other.

"Look, I'm sorry." I whispered as we walked through the deserted hall, "I didn't know Liam--"

"Olivia, I do not want to speak of this." Snape grunted, "Not now."

"But, I should've told you..."

"Stop!" he snapped and stopped abruptly in his tracks, "By Gods, girl, we will not talk about your idiot brother! For now, what you should be worried about is what the Headmaster called us for!"

I held my breath and felt very tense. He wanted to speak with us both? For what? As we made it to the Headmaster's office and the door let us in, I hesitantly sat in front of the desk of the Headmaster.

"Olivia Wilson," Professor Dumbledore spoke with sincerity, "How are you feeling, my dear?"

"I'm fine, Professor," I said in a high pitch tone. Snape stood behind me, his arms folded and looking very bored.

"My condolences go out for you and your family of the unfortunate events that has happened these past few months." He said with his hands folded over his table. He grabbed a jar of sweeties and held it out to me, "Pumpkin pasties?" The thought of candy gave me a twist in my stomach. "No thank you, sir."

Dumbledore tilted his head in acceptance and took one for himself and popped it in his mouth. "I was recently informed that the Ministry of Magic will be visiting your manor for the weekend, this Saturday, Miss Wilson, regarding the death of your father."

My jaw dropped, "Why would they want to do that?"

"Unfortunately, it came to my attention..." Dumbledore said slowly, "That they have ruled your father's death as... A murder."

"What?" I exclaimed, standing form my chair now, "He wasn't murdered! He fell off a cliff! He was a horrible driver, anyway!"

"Miss Wilson, please, if you may, take a seat." Dumbledore said kindly as I reluctantly sat down, "I have told Professor Snape to escort you there this weekend where as he is a friend of your mother's."

A friend? I looked back at Snape with a questionable look. Snape didn't give any kind of response and kept his gaze on Dumbledore. "You will have to leave Saturday morning, Miss Wilson. I sincerely hope that everything will be well and that your father's death be justified. Will you be alright?" Dumbledore asked.

I didn't know how to respond to that. "Professor, I don't think I can go. I don't want to go!"

"I'm sorry, Olivia, it is the Ministry's orders for you to be there. I know it's been hard for you since your brother passed, and I assure you, things will get better. And, if you have any insecurities or anything to talk about, my door is always open." he said.

"Thank you for the offer, Headmaster, but I don't think it'll give me any kind of security." I mumbled and stood up. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "I'm actually very hungry, so if you could excuse me..." Before any of them can respond, I walked out the room.

I held back as many tears as I can as I rushed down the hall. I didn't know what to think. Why on earth did the ministry think that my father's suicide was murder? And if that was for sure, what happened to Caleb? Was this all some kind of conspiracy. I didn't know what to think. All I know is that I have to be forced into my home with my drunk mother, my enraged brother, and possibly Aurors seeking investigation. And Snape. Of all people, the headmaster will send Snape. And a friend of my mother's? He hardly seems the type to even be seen with my mother. I doubt he really had friends to begin with!

But, one thing is for sure...

This is going to be a crazy weekend.

Author's Note:

I know this one is a bit short. But, I couldn't end it any other way. So, thanks for reading. :)

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