Three | New Enemies Arise

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Today is the day.

And I'm not excited.

I stood before the double doors that led outside wearing jeans, a comfortable shirt, flannel, and my boots.

"Why are we going with him?" I groaned, walking towards the double doors with my brother as the house elf we had, Coco dragged our luggage behind us. I crossed my arms in protest as my mother rushed in through the sitting room.

"His mother has offered to take you, now be nice, Olivia." My mother said to us both, but focused more on me. I gave her a deathly glare which she proudly exchanged. I rolled my eyes and looked down.

"Before you leave, I have something for both of you." She smiled and faced Coco, "Bring in the gifts, now!"

Coco recoiled at Mom's voice and snapped her fingers quickly. A gift wrapped box in yellow with a big white bow appeared on the floor.

"Liam," Mom grabbed the gift from the floor and handed it to him.

He raises an eyebrow and took it in question. He pulled off the bow and shoved it on my chest, having it stick. "Hey!" I snapped and I saw him smirk without glimpsing at me.

He tore the wrapping and opened the box. "A cloak?" He said, but in such a question of interest.

"Made of the finest chinese silk. Its also a barrier of offensive spells, such as curses and hexes." Mother said with the biggest smile.

Coco skipped by to grab the trash the gift left behind and Liam threw the black cloak over his shoulders.

Mother glanced at me and said, "Now. What was that particular thing you've been asking me that you've always wanted, Olivia?"

"I don't know... Love and complete understanding?" I grunted and Liam elbowed me in the arm.

Mother gave me a long face and shook her head. She signed heavily and told Coco sternly, "Bring out her gift!"

Coco snapped her fingers and a cage popped out of nowhere, with what looked like a black ball of fur. I walked over to the cage and bent over to notice it to be a small kitten with long bushy fur and big gray eyes. It looked up to me and gave a tiny squeak of a meow.

"A cat...?" I said in question, "I wanted one when I was like... Eight..." I wasn't even sure I wanted a cat. Sure, like I mentioned, when I was eight, I dreamed of a cat, but now my interest for a pet was draining.

I looked back at Mother and she kept her frown. I glanced at Liam who gave me a strict glare. "Uhm... Thank you, Mom, I really love it." I said, giving as much excitement to have her plant a smile on her face. Mother looked like she would cry of happiness and lunged at me, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

"I knew you'd love it!" She boomed as her grip tighten. I could hardly breathe, Mother was strong! Before I could gasp for more air, she let me go, placing both her hands on my shoulders and said quietly, "I want you to be good at school. You're still my baby girl." I could see the tears forming in her eyes and she quickly looked away and hugged Liam telling him, "Take good care of your sister!"

"Always have, Mom," he whispered to her.

We parted our ways and had Coco carry our things and I carried my cat's cage. Liam and I walked out the manor and down the path where a vintage black car. The chauffeur walked out of the car, opening the passenger car door. We climbed in and it was much bigger than what it looked outside. It must be enchanted, no less. There were black sofas along the brown tapestry walls and a maple brown polish table in the middle with a silver tea kettle and cups. I noticed that Malfoy boy sitting by the corner, his legs crossed and leaning into the couch with a smug look.

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