Eighteen | Eavesdropping

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Back to Hogwarts.

Winter was ceasing, the ice that submerged the plant life was melting away as the sun's rays cascaded the fields. Liam, I, and the rest of the student body walked up the path to Hogwarts, eagerly waiting to reunite with our friends. As we got to the Clock Tower, the whole tower was busy with other students welcoming their friends back.

"Wearing it, eh?" Liam pointed out, as his gaze met my chest.

I looked down at the pendant he bought me. "Yeah, its cute. Matches my outfit," I replied with my chin up.

"I'll see you later, alright? I'm gonna go hit up the Great Hall." Liam said and off he went. No doubt looking for Luna.

"Olly!" I heard Gwen scream, but before I could look around to find her, she jumped on my back, wrapping an arm around my neck. "Gwen!" I yelped, catching my breath as I pulled her arm, "Hey-- You're choking me--"

Gwen laughed and let go. "Sorry," she whined, standing in front of me now. I noticed Atticus in his arms, wearing an emerald green sweater with silver lining around the collar and a silver S etched on the back.

"What is he wearing!" I laughed as I picked him up from her arms.

"Do you like it? Astoria made it for him. He's now the unofficial Slytherin mascot!" Gwen said excitedly. I laughed as he cuddled into my chest, flipping his body and exposing his belly. "He's getting lazy," I said and dropped him to the floor, "Walk, cat!"

"He just ate!" Moaned Gwen and picked him up, holding him closer to her chest.

We walked towards the Great Hall, going to lunch. "How was Christmas?" Gwen asked, cuddling Atticus.

"Uh..." I bit my lip and scratched the back of my head, "It's been quite eventful."

Gwen raised an eyebrow and stifled a laugh. "What do you mean by that?"

I gave out a sharp breath and said, "I'll let you know when it's... More private." Gwen gave me a tight lip and said curiously, "Okay..?"

An annoying buzzing sound rung in my ears. I stopped and rubbed the inner of my ear and said, "What the hell is that?"

"What is what?" Gwen asked curiously, looking around through the bustling students. "The buzzing--" I said, digging my finger in my ear. The ringing was higher. I looked around and then to my necklace. Liam said I'd hear a humming from this dark detector from any danger. I spun around to see a very enraged Viola Summers, pushing a first year Ravenclaw out of her way. She scanned through the crowds with Parkinson and their gang. She looked ghastly, boils formed around her neck and cheeks. What the hell happened to her?

"Shit," I hissed, "What happened to Summers?"

"Oh!" Gwen giggled, "She opened a gift at Christmas and it exploded in her face! Left her with a face full of boils! They don't look as bad as before..."

I clasped my hand over my mouth and stifled a laugh. Mission successful. "We gotta get out of here," I said and grabbed Gwen's arm. I dragged her through the crowd, looking over my shoulder. The humming was quieter this time, but I took no chances.

"Where are we going? What's going on?" Gwen asked, clutching Atticus to her chest.

"I slipped that box for Viola under the Christmas tree." I said.

"What? That's-- bloody brilliant!" Gwen giggled.

I was almost out of the clear, looking over my shoulder one last time. Suddenly--

"Oof!" I gasped, crashing into somebody and stumbled back. A crash erupted, a wooden bucket of dirty mucky water splashing on the floor and soaking my feet. But, it was worse for Filch who held it with a mop in his other hand, which splashed all over his face. He gasped in shock and I gaped at him with raised eyebrows. He stood there frozen, a wet Mrs. Norris hissing at me.

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