Nine | Hogsmeade

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Oh, thank God.

It is Saturday. And a very eventful one, too. Today was the first day of heading into Hogsmeade. I've been waiting for this day to come, I was tired of being cooped up in this castle. Funny thing, actually, it was, as you can say, my first date, too. My first date ever! With Blaise.

But, the last few nights in detention for Snape, I was fighting over and over with myself of what these nights meant to me, especially the fact that he walks me back to my commonroom each time. I believe I was the first student in history that looked very forward to having detention with him. The feeling of liking my professor was sparking a heat inside of me those nights, but once I woke up the morning after, I felt flushed and regrettable.



I repeated that question, rolling around in my head. But, to think Blaise Zabini asked me out to Hogsmeade yesterday...

I sat in The Great Hall with Gwen for lunch after school, but I wouldn't touch my plate once. I felt regretted to have a single positive feeling for this professor who treats students like mere flies. I've had a crush on a teacher before, back at my school in America, but that man was young and handsome, with a chizzle chin and a white smile. But, this feeling was stronger, I dare say and the feeling was more painful than I had thought it would be.

"Olly," I heard the seductive calm voice of Blaise behind me. I spun around in my seat to face Blaise standing behind me, his uniform and robe ironed and fit, his bad swung over his shoulder. I mean, this is the guy I should be into! Well, I am into him, he's seductive, cool and collected, and handsome!

"Hey, Blaise," I smiled, still half secluded in my thoughts.

"I was wondering..." He started, "If you'd go with me--" and my eyes went wide.

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