Im Back?

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Not sure anyone would see this or read, but I guess I'll be coming back. I know, it's been years. 7 years I'm pretty sure of it. My life has been a rollercoaster; homelessness, break ups, finding a new place, working my way to a steady life, giving my daughter the life she deserves...

I don't feel like I have to explain my life into detail, but I've been doing very well the past years.

I never stopped thinking of this fan fiction, sometimes I would play out scenarios for the second book, but I never felt the motivation to get back into writing again. But, considering that my life is back in order and I am willing to get into a hobby, I thought about finishing this series.

I get it, it's been YEARS. Most of my readers are probably completely gone. But, I guess in a way, I am also doing this for myself.

Mind you, I'll be extremely rusty. I fell out of the Fandom for a little bit. Recently played Hogwarts Legacy which really sparked my interest again(lowkey bought a PS5 for that game, wow). So yes, I reread my Lost and Found book(literally yall had me DYING, the comments are too funny ily all) because ngl I forgot some of the storyline I wrote. 🥲 And, I want to get back on the wagon.

Give me some time. I'm still busy with work and family life, but I'm cracking open my laptop, writing my notes down, and eager to continue.

Thanks for reading.

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