Thirteen | Hot and Cold

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It was a couple days before Christmas break. I laid lazily in the common room in front of the fireplace, reading my Alchemy book. Suddenly, a pillow swirled through the air and collided into my face. "Hey!" I gasped, grasping the pillow in my hands and held it back, ready to toss it.

"Oh, sorry!" Gwen yelled obviously lying about that. She had a wide smile and giant circular glasses on with hypnotizing lenses on. I tossed the pillow back at her and narrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you wearing?" I asked, sitting up and closing my Alchemy book. "I don't know..." She said as she leaned into the couch, "It helps find these stupid snorlack things... Or something like that."

"What? They're weird." I said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, weird enough for Loony, eh?" She laughed. My eyes went wide and I jumped up, scurrying to her. "Those are Luna's!" I exclaimed, "I saw her wear those before!"

"Yeah, borrowed them from her. Wanted to see what made her into such a crackhead," Gwen said, fixing the glasses and giving me a big smile, "How do I look?"

"Like a thief." I replied sternly and she slouched her shoulders and gave me a dissapointed look.

"C'mon, don't be like that, Olly!" She pouted.

"Be like what? So, you have been teasing Luna. When did you get her glasses, anyway?"

"Snagged them during Divination. Luna always gets all trancey in that class. Does it matter? I was planning on giving them back, I just wanted to see what she fusses about through these things!"

"It doesn't give you any reason to take them like that! Luna's a good girl--"

"Oh really? She's nuts!" Gwen exclaimed.

"And you're being an asshole!" I retorted. The whole common room went dead. I looked around to notice everyone was staring at us, I didn't think we were so loud.

"You're only saying that because your brother likes her! You can't possibly think that you do, too? I mean, give it up, already! Stop protecting what isn't worth protecting!" Gwen exclaimed and I glared at her menacingly.

I rolled my eyes and ripped the glasses off of her, nudging her shoulder with mine before storming out of the common room.

What a brat!

But, why? Why was Gwen acting like that? I've never seen her as a bully before. And to Luna? Is she that bad to her? I rushed to the Ravenclaw tower and as I ran up the steps, constant glaring from Ravenclaws radiated into my skull. As I got to the top, a group of four Ravenclaw girls my age blocked my way.

"Where do you think you're going?" Asked one girl with intimidation in her eyes, but I showed no fear and lazily raised Luna's glasses to show them. "Relax," I said rollin my eyes, "I'm only here to give that Luna Lovegood her glasses back."

"So, you're the one to take it from her?" Snapped the other girl, "You snake!" I narrowed my eyes and said calmly though dangerously, "If I had, I wouldn't fucking be here!"

"Well, you shouldn't be here at all, anyway." Said one girl crossing her arms threateningly.

"Where is she?" I said, crossing my arms as I changed the subject.

"As if we'd tell you. Just hand them over and we'll give them to her." The oldest said as she held out her hand. I looked at her uncertained, but noticed I was surrounded up and downstairs with hostile students. I scoffed and tossed the glasses, having the oldest catch them. I turned around and pushed myself through the students and stormed down the hall.

Assholes... I thought as I grunted to myself. As I walked down, I noticed Luna walking opposite of me. I rolled my eyes and snapped as she walked by, "Your stupid glasses are in the commonroom! I left it with some girls!" Luna stopped, along with other students who were around did too and looked at me dumbfounded. "Thank you," Luna said with a dazed smile. I shrugged, "No problem."

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