Twenty | Tricked

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Six Years Ago

"Mommy! Daddy!" screamed Caleb as he ran down the stairs, his little legs crashing down each step, "Olly bit me! She bit me!"

"Well, he started it!" I yelled back from the top of the stairs, hiding behind the rail.

"I didn't do anything to you!" he argued back and Liam came walking down the hall, lifting his finger against his lips. "Quiet! They're sleeping! You know they had a long day," Liam whispered loudly, "Let them rest for once!" Liam walked to us and shook his head, "I swear when you go to boarding school next year, Mom and Dad will have a relaxed year."

"Olly bit me in the arm!" Caleb cried, a couple tears rolling down his face.

"You are such a cry baby!" I said, walking down the steps.

"Let me see, then," Liam said as he held out his hand. Caleb held out his arm which showed teeth mark and purple bruising forming. "Olivia," Liam said, glaring at me and I pouted. "Caleb took my toy wand! And, he wouldn't give it back!" I argued.

"Maybe if you didn't take Hippy, I wouldn't take your stupid stuff!" Caleb retorted. Liam raised an eyebrow and said, "Caleb, Mommy washed your hippogriff doll. Remember you spilled hot chocolate on it?"

Caleb gaped at Liam and I gave a smug smirk. "Look," Liam said sternly, "Even if Olly took it, you shouldn't take her things. And Olly— Just because he took your wand, doesn't mean you should be so barbaric!"

"What can I say? I'm a Viking," I smiled and Liam rolled his eyes.

"Well," Liam said, "I know where the draughts are for your arm. And, I want you both to apologize to each other."

Caleb and I both groaned and folded in our arms identically and looked away from each other. Liam smiled at and said, "You both are twins, you're basically the very same person. You share a bond like no other sibling..." Liam sighed as we didn't budge, "If you do, I'll sneak into the cabinets and grab the Alihotsy cookies Mom hides."

"The ones that make you giggle?" Caleb said excitedly, "Those are good!"

"With chocolate chip and almonds," Liam replied.

"I hate almonds," I pointed out.

"But, you love chocolate chips." Liam said warningly and I shrugged.

"I'm sorry, Olly. No really, I am." Caleb said to me, "I forgot Mom washed Hippy."I

 looked up at Liam and then to Caleb and dropped my arms in defeat. "Yeah," I said, "I'm sorry about biting you. You taste horrible, by the way."

"Good," he said with a laugh.

"Alright," Liam said, "Let's patch you up. And, then I'll bust out the milk and cookies."

* * * * *

I awoke with a throbbing headache. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the flickering candlelight that lit the room I was in. I heard familiar voices having a conversation beside me and I quickly pushed myself up, wondering where I was.

I was at the Hospital Wing.

Feeling confused and disoriented, I looked around, pushing the bed sheets off me as I made eye contact with both the Head of Gryffindor and Slytherin houses. They both stopped what they were talking about and we stared at each other for a while. "Madam Pomfrey," McGonagall called out, breaking eye contact, "Miss Wilson is awake."

"And more likely has a killer migraine!" Madam Pomfrey said as she rushed out her office with a tall phial of a lavender color potion and a small glass. She walked over to my bedside and poured a quarter full of the potion into the glass and handed it to me. "Drink up, it'll relieve the headache." Madam Pomfrey said and I cautiously took the glass to my lips. I drank it quickly, like a shot of fire whiskey, and the contents burned my throat and my stomach. I coughed and cleared my throat, giving a disgusted look.

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