Thirty Five | Mind Reader

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School sweet school. Never thought I'd look so forward into being back at Hogwarts. I've decided to keep it a secret, what I found out back at home. And, it was an utter tragedy that I know now. But, I'm leaving that obscure finding at home. I'm away from it all now, I'm away from that hell hole. I left as though I never knew, spending as much time with Gwen and giving Draco a hard time when I ate with him during dinners. And, Snape kept to himself, too. Teaching his classes and locking himself in his office to grade student papers. Though, it wasn't like I wasn't sneaking into his office to annoy him as he did it. Though, he didn't complain much. The next two weeks played out like this and for the first time in a long time, I was actually happy.

"I can't believe it!" cried Gwen, dragging herself as we both walked to the library, "I should've never complained to Professor Sprout about giving me extra credit! Now, she wants me to do a side project with Neville Longbottom!"

"Yeah," I agreed, "Isn't he in my year?"

"Yes, he is! But, Professor Sprout thought it would be a great idea and a great level up on my OWLs grades if I start this project with him and present it to the two hundred and tenth annual Dr. Brouger's Enchanted Plants and Flowers contest!"

"Uh, what?" I questioned, watching Gwen tore off a wrapper off her acid pop and stuck it in her mouth.

"It's a contest where you grow a seed of your choosing into some majestic plant! You could experiment on it with potions, spells... Anything, as long as it's enchanted."

"That actually sounds really cool," I smirked.

"It is, if only I wasn't partnered up with such a waste of a man!" Gwen pouted, "And, this contest is due at the end of this school year in Hogsmeade."

"Oh, stop it, it can't be that bad." I laughed.

"You must not have seen this guy." As we approached the Library, Gwen stopped and pointed straight at him. Neville Longbottom sat at the end of a table in the library, clutching a large book against his chest, fidgeting nervously in his chair. "See?" Gwen moaned, "A loser. Plus, a Gryffindor. Even worse."

"Shut up, stop being such a bitch!" I said punching her shoulder, "Don't think like that and maybe, you'll actually have some fun."

"I guess..." Gwen said with no such belief, "Where will you be going?"

"I've got a lesson with Snape," I told her in a hush-hush tone, "In the Dark Forest." Gwen raised an eyebrow and gave a seductive smile.

"Ohh," she cooed, "Fancying a picnic in the woods, aren't we?"

"No!" I said blushing a little, "It's not like that! It's for my Legilimency classes." Gwen giggled outrageously and I glared, "Go over there! Have fun!"

"Not as much fun as you'll be having," Gwen pouted walking away.

"I hope you choke on your lollipop!" I laughed.

"Hope you choke on something, too!" Gwen added and I blushed as a crowd of seventh year Gryffindor guys passed by as they heard that. Gwen snickered and walked into the library.

I headed out through the Suspension bridge and walked down briskly towards the Dark Forest. It was the weekend, a beautiful Sunday afternoon and when everyone enjoyed themselves in Hogsmeade, in their dorms, or dreading in the library, I was sneaking into the forest to meet with the Potions Professor. Lucky me.

As I trotted into the forest, I was admiring all the nature that Spring has gifted the forest with. During the day, the forest wasn't at all dark and forbidden looking, it was quite beautiful. As I walked deeper into the forest, I walked towards a mild high cliff, ahead of it, the Black Lake. I smiled as I saw Snape standing over the cliff, his hands in his cloaks pockets. He watched me as I trotted up the hill and a small smile played his lips.

Lost and Found | Severus Snape [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now