Twenty One | Mystery in the Room of Requirement

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I woke up earlier than everyone else again, but this time, I didn't bother to wait up or wake anyone. I jumped in the shower and bathed, throwing on my uniform and book bag and headed to the common room. I quickly skipped to the couch, the fireplace dying down with little cackling, and leaned into the couch. Draco was gone. And my cloak.

I growled, hoping to catch him here to interrogate him.

"Miss Wilson," I heard Snape's voice behind me and I jumped, whipping around to see the Potions Master sitting in the corner at a chess table, holding a small hardcover black book in his hands. My heart skipped a beat and I breathed, "You scared the hell out of me! Do you enjoy hiding in the shadows?"

He grimaced at me and stood up. "I came here to wait for you, Miss Wilson. Seeing that you are here early, I am here to escort you to the Headmaster's office." He said, pocketing the book in his robes. I honestly never met the headmaster, though I've seen him afar sitting at the staff table. I know nothing of the man to be honest and wonder what his problem was with us both having Legilimency Lessons.

"Oh, okay..." I mumbled and looked up to the clock, "Will we be done before breakfast?" Because, I wanted my damn cloak from Draco.

"If we hurry now," he said strictly and I nodded. I kept my hands locked to my book bag as we walked out the common room together. I walked right behind Snape, keeping a small distance between him. He kept deadly silent, able for me to feel the tension radiating.

"So..." I breathed as I straightened my back, "How about that case?"

Snape stopped abruptly and whipped around, having me stumble straight into his arm. He glared at me and I blushed, taking a step back. "I threw it away," he said and turned around, continuing to walk. I gaped at him and rushed to catch up.

"Gwen bought that for me as a Christmas gift!" I scowled, "It wasn't for you to throw away!"

"Arguing for something that would kill you later? Typical woman." Snape growled, not bothering to look back. I gasped and glowered at the back of his head, then looked away and continued to follow him, reluctantly. We travelled to the middle of the castle where we stopped at the Headmaster's office, standing before the giant gargoyle.

"Candy Floss." Snape drawled out and the Gargoyle lifted, revealing a spiral flight of stairs. Snape walked up the stairs, quite quickly as where I had to stumble and skip to catch up. We stopped at a door and Snape knocked softly. A few seconds after that, the door clicked opened ajar and Snape pushed through, having me following closely behind him.

There, sitting at a cluttered desk half full of books and parchments and magical trinkets, sat the tired looking Headmaster with a warm smile. I raised my eyebrows, unsure of what to do and the headmaster stood up and said, "Ah, Severus. And, you must be Olivia Wilson. It is a pleasure meeting a new student of mine. But, we haven't ever met before, so I will introduce myself. My name is Professor Albus Dumbledore, I am, obviously, the headmaster of this school. I hope you are enjoying your first year as a student here?"

I moved from Snape's shadow and nodded to Dumbledore. "Yes, Professor. It's a nice school," I said, not sure what to really tell him. Dumbledore nodded back to agreement and said, "Well, both of you have a seat." He lifted his hands which exposed a dark looking decaying one and beckoned them sideways, having two armchairs appear from corners of the room and pulled them magically to his desk.

"Wandless magic?" I asked astonished, taking a seat and Snape stiffly sat by me, but I ignored his uncomfortable figure.

"Only for the littlest of things, Miss Wilson," Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling behind his half moon glasses, "Now, I have heard of what happened back in the Great Hall. Unfortunately, I was away on business at the time. How are you feeling after the fact?"

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