Nineteen | Hysteria

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It was the first day of school back from vacation. I got up with a start, before anyone else in the form, taking a hot relaxing bath. I was still thinking over why Snape would be part- or trying to be- of Draco's secret plans and it gave me a worry. Draco's parents and his own lives depended on it. And to think, his father was incarcerated to Azkaban for being a Death Eater...

I dunk my head in the hot steaming water and emerging, wiping off any grogginess I had left from my slumber. I finished my bath and dried myself off, throwing on my uniform and fixing my hair and make up in the bathroom. I walked out, watching Gwen stretching on her bedside.

"You're awake?" She said shocked, unbraiding her long thick hair and fluffing it up.

"Is it that obvious?" I questioned sarcastically, walking to my bed And grabbing my shoes.

"Of course... It's just not like you to be up before everyone else. It's more like I wake you up after everyone's awake!" Gwen giggled, "Why so early?"

To be honest, I couldn't sleep very well. The thought of Snape teaching me my first lesson of Legilimency tonight overwhelmed me, I couldn't manage to sleep through the night. I ignored her question and threw my bookbag over my shoulder. "Well, I'll wait for you in the common room. Okay?"

I walked into the common room, noticing small crowds of fellow students surrounding the fireplace and chess area. I wanted a morning cigarette in, sneak into the corner corridor I smoke at, but Snape took my case. I had no more real cigarettes because I thought the case was enough. How am I going to get them back?

My trail of thoughts were soon interrupted by someone throwing their arm over my shoulder. I looked up startled to notice Blaise Zabini close beside me with a toothy smile. "Day dreaming, I see?" He said, pulling me closer to him. "Don't try to get friendly just yet," I teased, grabbing two of his fingers and lifting his hand off my shoulder, "I'm still expecting that date."

"And, you'll get it, I promise." Blaise said as he pocketed his hands, "Want to walk to breakfast with me?"

"Oh, I was sort of waiting for Gwen-" I said, looking back at the dorms eagerly. "She'll be fine without you. Come on," Blaise held out his hand and beckoned me to follow. I cliked my tongue in slight protest, but followed him none the less. "Have you seen Summers lately? She got a pretty nasty trick pulled on her. It's taken her days to remove all those bloody blisters... Had your revenge yet fulfilled, Olivia?" Blaise said as he raised an eyebrow to me. I gaped at him for a second until I cleared my throat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Me?" I stammered, stifling a laugh.

"No one would pull that prank on Summers, Olivia, no one would have the balls-"

"Hm. Then I must have some pretty big balls, then?" I laughed.

"She knows, though." Blaise's tone lowered and strained, "You got to watch your back. A girl like that, she's dangerous."

"I'm not scared of Summers," I scoffed, folding my arms, but to think I did run from her yesterday. Blaise smirked at my bravery and said, "Not a lot of people are, until they cross paths with her."

I rolled my eyes at his remark. What ever I did with Summers, she deserved and that was that. Blaise and I ended up at the Great Hall, sitting in the middle of the Slytherin table, piling our plates with our hearty breakfast. Suddenly, I felt a thud against my head and I groaned as I rubbed the sore spot. "Thanks for waiting up for me," growled Gwen, holding a small stack of school books in her hands, taking a seat beside me. "What can I say?" Blaise butted in, "I'm pretty irresistible." He gave a wide smirk and Gwen raised her eyebrows at him.

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