Twenty Six | Rescued

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Author's Note
Thanks for the votes and comments, guys. I feel so loved right now. @___@
Here you go, next chapter.

* * * * *
It was unbearable.
I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't see.
This was taken too far and I was about to die.
As I saw the small beam of light, I could make out a voice through the tunnel I was being lift up into.
The truth...
Find the truth...

Severus Snape stood over the hill, watching the Boathouse behind an old oak tree as he watched Olivia walk towards the lake. The daft girl, what was she thinking walking alone in the night? For some idiot boy? He felt disgusted at the thought. He stood by there, leaning his shoulder against the tree, with his arms folded. In his gut, he had to watch over her. The constant bullying she had, he felt he understood her pain. The girl was strong, she was resentful. But, one day, it'll get her killed. And here he was, stalking her from behind a tree. What was he thinking, exactly?
Only a minute longer, he noticed two girls walking from behind a bush and towards the Boathouse. Instantly, a chill ran down his spine.
A trap, he thought, how did I know?
But, to be honest, he was being sarcastic. Like how he very well knew and would repeat it again, the girl was an imbecile. Severus watched as the girls shuffled into the Boathouse, one had her wand at hand. Severus glowered at that and started making his way to the lake.
How vengeful they could be, they seemed more tormenting than men when it came about their scorn. As I walked swiftly down the hill, I heard Olivia's voice, screaming to the girls. I heard a splash and my anger was getting the best of me. I rushed into the Boathouse and yelled, "What the bloody hell is going on here?"
To my not much a surprise, Miss Summers and Miss Parkinson spun around to see me in bewilderment.
"Professor Snape!" Squeaked Miss Summers, "Erm... I-I don't-- We didn't do anything--"
"Where is Miss Wilson?" He barked and they winced at his remark, "I saw all three of you, where is she?"
They both looked towards the water and Pansy stammered, "She fell in-- She... Why hasn't she come up yet? Can she even swim?"
Severus growled at her remark and kneeled down to the water.
"Fetch for Madam Pomfrey-- Now!" He ordered as he pulled off his cloak, "And you both better be back within five minutes because there'll be harsher consequences than a detention, I damn swear it!" Miss Summers, who was stunned in place, was pulled by Miss Parkinson as they stumbled quickly out the room. Severus pulled out his wand and thought, Lumos. He kicked his feet over the ledge and jumped into the water, sucking in his breath and dove in.
The light of his wand lit the gloomy water as he hastily looked around the blurry scene. He swam deeper as he waved his wand around to look for Olivia. As he reached the bottom, horror filled his soul as he as his light shine towards a limp floating body. Severus swam quickly and wrapped his hand around her torso, seeing the trail of blood from the back of her skull. He quickly swam up, gasping as he reached the top of the water.
He threw his wand over the ledge of the floor and lifted Olivia's unconscious body. He pulled himself up dragging himself towards her. The blood was still evident, coating her pink hair and she looked terribly pale. Severus cupped his hands to her cheeks and stammered through his chattered teeth, "Ol-Olivia." She was out cold, a concussion.
I hastily lowered my ear to her face, eager to hear her breath. Nothing.
I checked her pulse in her neck and I felt a faint heart beat. I rolled my sleeves up and placed my hands above her breasts, pushing down onto her chest, multiple times. I lowered my head to her face again and heard nothing. I did it once again and lifted her chin, opening her mouth to proceed CPR. I've done this twice and lowered my ear to her again. "Come on, you idiot, wake up!" He hissed and with that, she sputtered water from her mouth. Severus felt his heart skip a beat as she gasped and coughed and he slid his hand underneath her neck to help her breathe.
"C-Ca... Caleb..." She sputtered and with that, she slowly slipped back into unconsciousness. Severus clicked his head back and furrowed his eyebrows at her sudden words. He looked around for his cloak and snatched it from behind him and threw it over her. He grabbed her book bag over his shoulder and slipped his arms underneath her, lifting her up and laying her head against his chest. He stumbled or the Boathouse, walking up the hill, shivering from the chilly night.
"Oh my Gods! Severus!" Madam Pomfrey screamed as she ran down the hill hastily with the two culprits, "What happened? Is she alive?"
"O-of course," growled Severus, clothing Olivia in her arms, "she has a head wound and is unconscious. I had to perform CPR..."
Madam Pomfrey quickly exclaimed Olivia in his arms, feeling her cold wet cheeks. "Hurry, we must be off to the hospital wing! Severus, you look terrible! You need something too--"
Severus stopped abruptly to Miss Summers and Miss Parkinson and said sternly with a death glare, "I advise you two to get to your dormitories immediately. I will deal with you both tomorrow." Miss Summers and Miss Parkinson nodded scarcely and ran up the hill.
Madam Pomfrey and Severus hastily walked to the hospital wing, finding a secluded bed behind a white curtain. "Lay her down here, Severus. I'll be back with the option and equipment." Madam punnet said she was ran towards her office.
Severus laid Olivia down, leaving his cloak with her and pulling the white bed sheet over her body. He put down her bag and looked down at it, noticing the tip of her wand sticking out.
He bent down, pulling out her broken wand carefully and storing it in his pocket beside his. Madam Pomfrey ran out with a tray of potions and other tools and laid them down at the end table.
"Take this, it'll warm you right up. Grab a blanket from the shelves if you need it." Madam Pomfrey said as she gave him a tall vial. Severus sat the vital onto the end table, refusing to drink it. Madam Pomfrey gave him a shocked expression, but Severus avoided her eye contact and walked away from the bed, sitting on another bed across the room. He leaned over, laying his face into his hands, trying to forget the horrifying ordeal he just went through.
After a half hour, Madam Pomfrey walked from behind the curtain. Severus stood up almost immediately, waiting for a response. "She'll be fine. I've given her blood replenishing potion and a sleeping draught for the pain. I've bandages her up--"
"Where is she?" Liam rushed into the hospital wing with the Headboy of Gryffindor, breathing heavily, "where's Olly? Is she okay?"
"Yes, Mr. Wilson, she's right over here." Madam Pomfrey said calmly, ushering him to the bed where Olivia laid, sleeping. Liam walked towards it until he stopped abruptly and faced Severus.
"What are you doing here?" Liam asked, his tone laced with venom. Madam Pomfrey gasped at his remark while the Headboy behind looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"Mr. Wilson!" Madam Pomfrey yelped, "You do not talk to your superiors in such a manner--"
"No needs, Poppy," Severus said lifting his hand to silence her and faced Liam and narrowed his eyes, "Miss Wilson has been experiencing some bullying from a few classmates for the last couple days."
"That doesn't explain why you're here, though." Liam retorted.
"My, I suppose retaliating comebacks run in your family." Severus said smugly, "Though if it wasn't for me, your dear sister would be dead." Liam's jaw dropped and Severus couldn't help, but to continue, "That'd be one more sibling you just couldn't save." Liam's face filled with rage as he attempted to lines at Severus. Severus took one lazy step back as the Headboy grabbed Liam by the waist.
"Stop, Liam!" Yelled the Headboy, "He's a teacher-- he's not worth it."
Madam Pomfrey, who was completely flabbergasted, stood back, her hands covering her mouth from shock. Severus sneered as he walked patiently away to the door.
"I advise you to keep a close watch on your sister, Mr. Wilson, so none of us would have to do it for you." He said before he turned his heel and left.

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