Thirty Three | Interrogation

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There we were.

The Wilson Manor. And, to be honest, it was the most dreadful scene. Like it was right out of a horror book. The bushes that barricaded the lot was rustling in the wind and the leaves flew off, cascading in the air. The clouds were shadowing over the land, the sun covered so the scenery was very dim. It gave me no encouragement to walk into my house, let alone with Snape by my side. We walked through the cobble path, Snape carrying my god awful heavy trunk and I stayed close behind him. As we got to the double doors, it creaked open before we even knocked. I raised my eyebrows in question and surprise, but hen I looked down, I saw little Coco behind the door.

She looked frail and weaker than before and one bruised cheek. She looked up at Snape and I as though she's seen a ghost. She yelped and gave a shiver, bowing her head down to me. "Mistress Oli-" she mustered out, but before she could finish, I saw my mother's shoe nudging into Coco's ribs, pushing her away from the door. I looked up with tense shoulders as my mother opened the doors and cried out with a huge smile, "My baby! I've missed you so much!" She lifted her arms up and collided into me, embracing me against her chest. I couldn't breathe, but the whiff of red wine gave me an idea of why she was so happy.

"Hi, Mother..." I groaned, before gently prying her off of me. "Oh, I hope it wasn't a harsh trip coming over here, Severus," my mother turned to Snape, "You're an hour late, my dear."

Snape was about to open his mouth, though I rudely cut in, "Yeah, so what? Where's Liam?"

"Oh," Mother said with a raised eyebrow, "He's up in his room. He doesn't come down much, anymore. I am dearly sorry that he hurt you, Severus."

"Hardly," Snape said with rolled eyes. Mother caught a glimpse of my trunk Snape was holding and turned around to face a very trembling Coco, "Elf! What are you doing? Sleeping on your ass? Grab the trunk and send it up Olivia's room!" Coco squeaked and ran quickly to my trunk Snape was carrying, avoiding my mother's feet, and jumped on the trunk, having Snape dropping it. Though before it hit the ground, Coco disappeared, taking the trunk with her. "Troubled little thing," Mother tooted, "C'mon, I'll make some coffee. Or, tea... Or a nice bottle of wine..." She walked off, deciding to herself towards the dining hall.

"As if Coco's the troubled one," I muttered to Snape in arrogance and he shook his head tiredly.

This was definitely going to be a rough day.

As we headed into the dining hall, my mother sat gracefully in a chair at the end of the long table and pulled out her wand. She gave it a quick wave in the air and a tray of a tea set floated in, landing gently on the table. I sat next to my mother where as Snape sat across from me. Mother waved her wand again, having a round wine glass and a bottle of merlot. "Mom," I said sternly, "In a couple hours, the aurors will be here. Drinking isn't a good idea."

"Oh hush, Olivia," my mother cooed as she poured her wine, "It's only one glass. It doesn't hurt. Now... About this... Interview..." My mother cleared her throat and leaned back into her chair crossing her legs, "They'll be asking questions. About your father. Now, Olivia, remember... Your father was a troubled man. What ever they think, he was not killed by anyone, but his own hands..."

My jaw dropped. "Dad was sad that Caleb died, but he wasn't suicidal, he was stronger than that."

"Your father couldn't manage to stay here with us, what gives him any strength when he's alone?" my mother said calmly, though glowered at me.

"Maybe the fact that all you did was drink!" I retorted. Snape stayed awfully quiet, though he was only here to watch over me. But, I glanced at him and he stayed to himself, drinking his tea.

"I don't always drink!" My mother shouted, slamming her wine glass onto the table, which splashed against the table.

"That's a lie," I scoffed, "Liam and I had to hide the bottles from you! Dad didn't leave us, he left you!"

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