Five | Potions Class

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First day of school.


Please, that was sarcasm.

I didn't really feel the excitement of starting the first day of school. But, it's not like I've been all that excited about anything. You could say I'm sort of a party pooper when it comes down to it. Aside from going to an actual party, I'm all for it!

Gwen shook me awake, and after a few grunts and moans to sleep longer, I reluctantly woke up from my slumber. I pulled myself up and leaned against my bedpost. Atticus was beside me, sleeping soundly and warming my leg with his fur. I rubbed my eyes and scrunched my bed hair with my hands and my first thought of the day, shower.

I kicked off my blanket, having Atticus erupt from his slumber with a cry of annoyance.

"Too bad, cat," I grunted and pushed him aside to jump off. I gave a long stretch and heard Gwen shout, "Morning!"

"Ack!" I shouted as I covered my ears.

"Not a morning person, I reckon," she snickered. I glanced at her and noticed she was washed up and ready, in her uniform, her make up glamorous and her hair in that thick braid resting on her shoulder.

"No, not really," I mumbled and grabbed what I needed for the shower.

"I'll be out in the common room to wait for you, 'Kay?" She said as she threw on her bookbag.

I took a hot shower, threw my uniform on, and magically blow dried and straighted my hair. I gave myself a cats eye with grey eye shadow and headed downstairs. Gwen sat on the arm of a couch by the fireplace, talking amongst fellow Slytherin girls and boys, until she saw me and jumped off and headed my way.

"Didn't take as long as I thought!" She beamed, "Come on, breakfast is held at the Great Hall and Professor Snape gives us our classes there."

"Yay!" I said sarcastically and she smacked my arm in protest and laughed as we headed out the commonroom.

She has a heavy hand for such a petite girl. "Oh my God," I grunted as I rubbed my arm viciously and she gave me a prideful smug look. We headed down to the Great Hall and Gwen said, "We're separate classes because you're a year older. Ohh! And I've got OWLs this year, too! This is going to be horror! I want to become a renowned herbologist. Better than that Longbottom prat Professor Sprout adores so much! But, what does she know? She's head of the most dumbest house-"

I honestly had no idea what Gwen was talking about. But, she seems pretty heated. It got me to think of what I wanted to be, but that dream was solely interrupted when Caleb died...

"A Magizoologist." Caleb said as we sat in the backyard under an old oak tree which hung a wooden swing I was on, pushing myself lazily. Caleb sat in the grass in front of me pulling weeds, bored.

"Really? I don't like animals much," I said curtly.

We were eleven years old.

"That's because mom didn't get you that ugly cat for your birthday a couple years ago." Caleb said scrunching his nose. I kicked him in the back and he snapped, "Hey!"

"Hey, me? Hey, you! Mom promised me a cat!"

"Dad's allergic."

"There are potion remedies for that!"

"Anyway," Caleb changing the subject, "It's not regular animals I want to discover, it's dragons and hippogriffs, centaurs and mermaids-"

"Mermaids aren't animals!"

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