Twelve | Nightmares

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Author's Note

So, I got my five year old daughter into Harry Potter and I asked what house she think she'd be in and she told me "Hufflepuff." Lol aw, how cute. :)

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It didn't matter how long I'd kept my gaze towards the sun, my eyes weren't blinded nor scorched by its rays. There I was, lying on a cold stone floor, though the sun stared down and was unable to keep me warm.

Where was I?

Why was I here?

It was day out obviously, but no clouds came way or any birds. Just the sun, watching me lay here for no reason. I looked around to notice a parade of people, with shadows covering their appearances. It seemed they had no reason being up here either, they just walked aimlessly around, talking tongues I couldn't understand and completely ignoring me, the only one laying here.

But, of all the unfamiliar bodies walking around like zombies, one stuck out of the ordinary. There, by the edge of this stone floor, was Caleb. He wore his school uniform, his toes off the edge. The air was still, though his clothes bellowed in the nonexisting wind around him.

I pushed myself up, feeling a weight on my legs, unable to move without dragging myself.

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