Thirty | Violence isn't the Answer

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Author's Note:

Oh, snap! Chapter Thirty! 3-0! What a long story, haha. No, not really... But, here we are... I rambling... Read on.

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Holy shit, my head...

Why was I such a light weight? Hearing a blaring ringing noise, I woke up, my hair wigged out and strands stuck to my face, my eye liner probably already gone or smudged underneath my eyes. I heaved myself up, feeling the pounding migraine I had. I groaned in pain as I pushed my hair out of my face, looking around for that ghastly sound. My eyes fixated on an alarm clock, blaring about on top of the end table beside the bed. I slammed my hand onto the button and it stopped ringing, having me slump back onto the bed. I peeked at the clock at notice it was six o'clock in the morning. I groaned.


It's Monday.

I sat up in bed, gasping the fact that I obviously had classes today. And, my eyes widened to realize I was still in Snape's bed, in his quarters.

Shit... Shit... Shit... I shouted in my head as I kicked my feet over the bed and stood up abruptly. I winced at the headache I had and grabbed the wads of messy hair and wrapped it in a bun with ah hair tie I keep around my wrist. I found my shoes that were underneath the bed and slipped them on. I heard something behind me and I jumped up to see the fireplace next to the kitchen archway shift, revealing a wooden door. The door swung open, exposing Snape in his clothes, without his robes nor socks and shoes and a white towel over his head. His white collar shirt was half unbuttoned and I couldn't help, but bite my lip at his appearance. I mean, his chest was showing, I can't help it. But, then again, I probably looked like crap, so I turned away and tried vigorously to wipe my excess eyeliner from my eyes.

"You're awake." he said, straightening his back and buttoning the remaining buttons of his shirt.

"Uh... Yeah, I am." I murmured, pulling any loose strands of hair from my face and straightened out my shirt.

Snape walked to his wardrobe, digging through his drawer as he grabbed socks. "Then, I advise you to leave at once and get ready for your classes, before anyone thinks you ran away." he said simply, not making any kind of eye contact. "Yeah, I suppose..." I mumbled.

A knock to the door. Snape jumped up from where he was as he looked at the door to the office. I froze, keeping silent as we both heard the Headmaster's voice, "Severus? Are you in here?"

I gasped, before clasping my hands over my mouth. Snape shook his head wildly and said, "Yes. Give me a damn second!" That's when he gave me a stern look and pointed to his kitchen and mouthed, Go to the balcony!

I hesitantly staggered to the balcony, tiptoeing along the way as Snape moved towards his door. I looked back at him and he mouthed out Take the broom!

No! I mouthed back at him.

He repeated silently, Take the broom!

I groaned. I can't fly! I'll crash no doubt. I hastily walked outside the balcony, snatching my cigarettes before grasping the old broom with cobwebs. I squinted my eyes to help focus my sight from the sunlight. It was bright, I have a headache, and now I had to fly a damn broom that looked like it hadn't been flown in years! I mounted the broom and tightened my grip. Oh God, I am going to die.

"Severus, I wanted to speak with you before..." I heard the Headmaster's voice and I froze. I looked down at the broom and thought, Let's go. C'mon, you dirty thing! Work with me!

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