Thirty Six | Draco Cursed

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I couldn't believe it, really. He caught me off guard and I practically professed my love to the man. Of course, I wasn't lying the fact that I had such a strong feeling for him and not to mention the bold connection we grew between each other, but did I really tell him I love him? I never once told anyone that I loved them, only if it was my own bloodline and of course, you're practically forced to love your family. Since that day, it's been different. Walking to classes every morning with a spring in my step, people actually staring at me with the strangest looks wondering why the teen angst Olivia Wilson actually held a smile than her original scowl.

It was because, I was in love.

Well, now I worried if it was just me that was. Snape honestly didn't reply with "I love you, too, Olivia", but he did tell me one thing that got me to believe he did. He told me his darkest secret, I'm not quite sure I understand fully myself. He was a Death Eater, a follower of You-Know-Who. He could even be a  mass murderer for the man, I don't honestly know! But, I didn't seem to care. It didn't phase me as it should. And, that scared me.

I sat up in my bed, it was after school and I decided to work on my Herbology and Transfiguration homework by myself. Gwen was gone with that Neville boy, rummaging through the Stone Circle outside looking for some rare seed, I didn't get much of what she was babbling to me, but to make a cannibal plant. Since, she's been doing this constant project with him, I've been staying most my time in my dorms studying, or sneaking into Snape's office for "help" on my Potions assignments. I kept my legs crossed, parchment and textbooks scattered across my bed. I kept my hair up in a tight bun and I already wiped my make up off clean, dressed in my jammies.

Suddenly, the door swung open and to my surprise, it was Astoria. And, more of a surprise, she was staring at me, which hasn't happened in so long since everyone thought Draco and I were "dating". She looked tattered, her eyes and cheeks stained with her eyeliner, she looked like she's been crying. "Olly!" She cried, "Something's happened to Draco!"

"What did he do to you, now?" I grunted, looking back down at my Transfiguration book, "He's a jerk. I know."

"No, didn't you just heard me?" she gasped, "He's been hurt!" I looked up in surprise and put down my quill. I jumped off my bed, pushing my homework out of the way and slipped on my sandals. "What do you mean, hurt?" I questioned.

"We saw him being dragged by Professor Snape towards the Hospital Wing! There was blood all over him--" Astoria whined and immediately, I pushed her away from the doorway. I ran out the common room as quickly as I can. I rushed to the Hospital Wing as fast as I could. My heart was racing as I thought what could've happened to him. As I got to the Hospital Wing, before the doors, it swung open and Snape rushed out. "Whoa, wait!" I exclaimed, grasping his wrist, which he glared at me profoundly, "What happened?"

Snape sighed and gently pulled my hand off his wrist. "I don't have time for this, Olivia. I'll be back." he whispered, before dashing down the hall. I looked back towards the Hospital Wing and pushed through the doors. I gasped as I saw Draco, sitting in the first bed behind a white curtain. Madam Pomfrey was there, about to lift Draco to sit up. His school shirt, which was opened, was drenched in blood. He had long deep gashes on his chest to torso and each gash was halfway healed. I ran to Madam Pomfrey and instantly helped her take off Draco's shirt.

"What happened," I almost demanded form Madam Pomfrey, but she didn't seem to mind my disrespect.

"He was hit with a curse," Madam Pomfrey replied, grabbing his shirt and throwing it in a nearby trash bin, "Professor Snape tried to mend his wounds, but the boy needs Dittany!" Draco moaned, his body damp and cold from his sweat. He crashed his back into the metal bedpost as he groaned in pain.

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