Thirty Two | Breakfast

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I never thought I could hate a Saturday morning. I lifted myself from bed, kicking my feet over to feel the cold floor beneath my feet. I looked at the time and it read seven o' clock. I lazily stood up and dragged myself to the bath for a long hot shower. Today was the day that I have to go back to my house. I didn't want to go. I dreaded to go. For the past couple days, I begged Snape to not take him, but he refused. He wasn't much help anyways, because he was still angry the fact my brother punched him in the face.

The fact that Liam knew we have a thing. Or had a thing...

I walked out the tub and dried myself, applying my make up in the mirror. I walked out the room and rummaged through my clothes. I pulled on a short black dress down to my thighs, white leggings and some black knee high boots with a small heel. I wore my round black sunglasses and slipped on my black cloak and topped my head with a black sunhat.

I grabbed my trunk with whatever I needed for the weekend and walked over to Gwen's bed. I bent over and poked her cheek, budging her to wake up.

"Nrgh," she grunted and lazily looked up, blowing the strands of hair out of her face, "What's going on?"

"I'm leaving. I'll see you tomorrow night, then?" I whispered to her so I wouldn't wake anyone else up.

She nodded with a dumb smile and waved me goodbye, "Be careful. Owl me if you need to talk, Olly." I smiled back and said, "Will do. Bye." I turned my heel to notice Atticus in front of me. He purred as he looked up at me with his emerald green eyes. I smirked and bent over, picking him up and saying, "I'll miss you, dumb cat." And tossed him over Gwen's back where he cuddled up next to her.

I walked down the cobblestone path towards the entrance gates of the school. It was a beautiful sunny morning and the wind was whipping my hair around, sending a  chill down my spine. I looked onward to see Snape outside the entrance, his back leaned against the gate, his arms folded in. He was dressed like he normally was, though he wore a black clerical hat to avoid the sun.

"So, what?" I said, dropping my trunk and clapping my hands to my hips as I approached him, "Too embarrassed to be seen with me?" Snape glowered at me, before lifting himself off the wall and walking away. I followed him, dragging my heavy trunk behind me.

"For God's sake, woman," Snape growled as he watched me struggle, "It's only overnight, how many things would you need?"

"I might go out later." I shrugged putting the trunk down.

"You won't be going anywhere, you'd be staying in your home."

"You can't tell me what to do, honestly. Are you my father? No." I grunted, folding in my arms. The thought of my father ran through my mind and I started to sulk. What was I thinking? The thought of going back home was going to give me a heart attack. "Let's go," Snape said, reluctantly holding out his arm. We were going to apparate. I looked up in surprise, but refused to hold his arm. "What are you waiting for?" he growled, but noticed my stance. "I can't," I said quietly shaking my head, "I can't do it. I don't want to be stuck in the same house with my mother, my brother... The Ministry, I can't do it!" Snape gave me a stern stare, I couldn't read what he was thinking. Still, he looked away and held out his arm. I couldn't change the man's mind even if I begged some more. I grabbed my heavy trunk and dragged it with me. I hesitantly held out my hand and slowly wrapped it around his arm, holding it close and dug my face into him. He twitched, but stayed still. There was a snap and before I knew it, we were twisting and turning in all sorts of directions. I didn't dare to open my eyes because I'd end up getting dizzy and nauseous.

The motion stopped and I opened my eyes slowly. Unexpecting, I found ourselves not in front of my mother's manor, but in a dark alleyway. I turned to see one end was blocked with a brick wall and the other open to a bustling street of what looked like muggles and cars. "Where are..." I stuttered looking around the old brick alleyway noticing we're between high old buildings. There was smog cascading the sky and the same of pollution would make anyone sick. Snape grasped the trunk out of my hand and carried it with no problem. "Well?" he said, expecting me to follow him. I nodded and he led me out the alley into the crowd of muggles. The street was narrow and busy, though the buildings looked old and staggering. Snape started to walk in a direction and I quickly followed, avoiding to lose him.

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