One | Home Sweet Home

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(Author's Note):


Chapter One.

If you all like reading Severus Snape stories, I have my first one which is called Tarnished. It's about a squib and the dangers she has to endure in her adventure. Also, this story won't be updated as much, but surely it will be continued. So add it in your library, if you must.

Hope you enjoy it and give it a vote. Thanks, guys.

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I gazed out the window of the carriage my brother and I rode to our new home. We had two carriages; Mom rode in the front one with the caddy and most of our belongings were rolling behind it.

I sat there motionless, watching the endless land of grass and trees that scattered throughout the plain. The sky was blue and clear, not one cloud in sight, it seemed.

Liam sat across from me and I could feel his eyes burning a hole through my skull. I shot him a small glance and rolled my eyes. "What?" I snapped, "Are you going to say something to me or just stare at me all fucking day?"

"Watch your tone," he threatened and again I rolled my eyes and scoffed. He lowered his stare to his hands which were fidgeting together and looked at me again. "How are you feeling?" He asked gently and I laid my head back.

"I don't know why we had to leave the states," I replied flatly.

"Mom says we need a fresh start," he said, "Besides, never knew Mom had a rich Aunt in Scotland--"

"Is that gonna stop her from drinking and sobbing over our brother's pictures? Or are we gonna have to hide them in the attic along with her booze like last time?"

"Look, Olly, you think you're the only one affected by what happened? Mom needs our help--"

"If she did, she wouldn't be shipping us off to some school for a whole year while she's alone sulking at home!"

"Well, Hogwarts is our best bet in schools. Unless you want us separated to Durmstrang and Beauxbatons."

He's right. Our old school would separate the males and females in opposite sides of the campus. Going to a unisex school was new and refreshing, though I wasn't very much in the mood to care about that right now.

Liam leaned forward and gave me a stern look. "Healing takes time," he said, "But I can't just fix things without you. I need your help."

I started to bite my nails. I gave Liam a long stare until I nodded my head once. "How much longer to the house?"

He scooted to the other side of the carriage and peered out the window.

"I see it, right there." He pointed against the glass. I scooted too, eyeing the gray and black stone mansion that sat a few miles away. "We should just apparate." I sighed.

"Yeah, you're sixteen, Olly, I don't think that'll be a good idea."

"No, dumb ass, I meant you should apparate us! You're seventeen, back home, you would have to be eighteen to do anything magical."

He smirked, "You never apparated. if I took you, you'd throw up no doubt. And, that'll be another thing Mom would have to worry about."

I smirked too, "Apparate yourself then."

"I'm not going to leave you here," he furrowed his eyebrows.

"C'mon, you're a resident here now! Papers have been stamped and approved, do it!"

He laughed and gave me a devilish stare. And with one crack, he apparated. The impact of apparition had me pushed back in my seat. "Hah," I scoffed and pulled out a cigarette from my jeans. I pushed open a window and lit my cigarette, taking a long puff. That was one way of getting my brother out of here for a smoke. Once we were traveling up a good mile or so, I looked out the window to see Liam half a mile away, in front of the gates of the tall yet small mansion that would be our new home. He was waving his arms up with a big smile on his face and I laughed at his goofy reaction.

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