Ten | Occlumency

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Today was Quidditch.

And while everyone was parading around Gryffindor and Slytherin, I was in front of Snape's office, hesitantly knocking on the door that morning. "Professor?" I called out as I knocked again. The door opened ajar and Snape's face appeared, unemotional as he watched me crossed my arms and gave him a sly look.

"Do you... Not remember my Legilimency lesson?" I said in a bored tone, "You said to come here eight a.m. sharp because this is your only availability--"

"I know what I've scheduled, Miss Wilson," he sneered as he opened the door wider, "And this is not your Legilimency Lesson, yet. But, to see how strong your Occlumency is before we can prepare you to open one's mind."

I waltz in his office and as he closed the door, I eyed him cautiously. "Not much of a morning person?" I asked as I leaned against his desk. I straightened out my cloak I bought at Hogsmeade and pulled myself up, sitting on his desk with my legs crossed as leaned back.

"What the hell are you doing? Get off my desk!" Snape hissed and I shrugged. "Why? I'm not heavy, its not like I'll break it." I said as I looked around his desk. He has scattered parchment and a quill set, a small pile of books and what looked like a Sneakoscope. I went to touch until Snape swiftly grabbed my hand and pulled it back. He was an inch from my face when he whispered deadly, "I'm full aware that your danty body cannot break my desk, but the fact that I won't deal with such a nosy prat, is."

"You smell like Autumn." I said breathlessly and he cocked his head back dumbfounded. "You smell like the all spices and such." I said tilting my head.Snape was taken back and I swung my foot to his leg, kicking him lightly. That's when he noticed how close he's gotten and the fact he was still holding my hand back. He let go quickly and backed away. I finally breathed softly and Snape turned away, grumbling to himself.

"Would... You like some... tea.." He grumbled and I smiled devilishly. "I think you need it more than I do," I laughed.

He opened a door and gave me a look. "What?" I asked uncertain.

"Get in here!" He spat, "We cannot do your lesson in this small office!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and jumped off the desk, walking towards him. He opened the door wider and I peered inside. It was like a tunnel that was thin enough two people to fit in with cherry oak walls. I walked in and a few feet down, there was another door against a wall to the side and another few feet down, another door. I crossed my arms and smiled and said, "Let me guess... This is the bathroom," I pointed at the side wall, "And this one is.... Your quarters?" I pointed at the end door.

"Very sharp of you, Miss Wilson," he said rolling his eyes, "Now if you please move, I need to open the door." I looked back at the door and reached for the knob, but Snape hastily grabbed my hand and pulled me away and pushed me against the wall, which was his only choice, knowing how small this corridor was. "The door is jinxed. Only my touch will open it." He hissed.

I rolled my eyes, but could feel his heat from his body radiating off him.

"What is up with you and cornering me?" I said with a smile. Snape stood there for a while until he spoke, "Until you obey my rules." He lifted himself away, grabbing the door handle and opening it, walking in. He ushered me inside and as I walked in, I soaked in the surroundings. It was round, yes three times large than the office, but the walls were empty with only shelves of books, jars of god knows what, and other interesting trinkets; like dark detectors and other magical items. To be honest, the room showed nothing homely. Nothing personal.

His full size bed draped in brown and black was against the wall centered in the room. He had a couch on the side and a desk across, with an arch door leading to what looked like a mini kitchen. The rug was a dark gray and the walls were a green and black tapestry. One window was covered by black drapes that let little sun in.

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