Seventeen | The Incident

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The loud clanking and ringing of my clock rung through my ears. I groaned as I threw my hand out and smacked the button on top of my alarm to turn it off. I rolled over and pulled my blanket over my face, drifting back into sleep. Suddenly, I heard a loud crack, the curtains of my window flew open and my blanket pulled off my body, feeling the goosebumps erupt from my bare skin. I groaned loudly and spun in my bed, seeing Coco standing a couple feet from my bed, using her magic to fold my blanket.

"You damned elf!" I scolded with a menacing glare, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm sorry, Mistress Olivia, but Madam Margaret  wants you downstairs for gifts!" Squeaked Coco, holding my blanket in her little squawny arms.

"Give me my blanket, Coco, or I'll hex you!" I threatened, grabbing my wand off my bedside.

"You can't yet use magic outside of school, Mistress!" Coco pleaded. So, I grabbed the clock off the table and Coco disapparated before I attempted to throw it. She took my blanket. Damn it. It was a cold morning, the snow falling outside my window gracefully. I sat up in bed, thinking a hot shower is in order.

I crawled out onto the floor, walking in only a white fitted shirt and panties to my bath which was connected to my room. I dipped in the hot bath, soaking in the heat and steam that stuffed the room. It was Christmas Day, let alone eight o' clock in the morning. And it's been a few days since that kiss with Snape and it's been having me quake in my knees ever since. The warmth of his lips still played like a broken record in my mind and I couldn't get him out of my head. Every thought of him made my heart burn in temptation.

But, after the kiss, he left. Before I could open my eyes, he circled around me and left. I couldn't catch up with him, he walks like he's late to the Red Queen. I was infuriated!

After I bathed and washed myself clean, I pulled myself out of the bath, wrapping one towel on my head and one around my body, I walked through my freezing bedroom. I slipped on my undergarments, with a pair of dark blue jeans and a collar shirt, a black cardigan exposing the collar above it, and my black military boots. I pulled on my black cloak to keep my warm and did my hair in a messy bun. I wrapped a scarf around my neck and headed downstairs.

As I headed to the first couple steps, I heard a snap and strong arms lifted me up bridal style.

"Wha--" I gasped as I instinctly grabbed onto the man's neck.

"Merry Christmas!" Liam exclaimed as he held me close and apparated.

The twist and turn of the apparition gave me a stomach ache as we disapparated into the living room. "You bastard!" I whined as he put me down. I stumbled to my feet and punched him in the arm. "You scared the hell out of me!"

"Sorry," he laughed but obviously didn't mean it. Mom sat in the armchair with a tall glass of champagne.

"Let's open our gifts," Mom said as she ushered us to sit down by the giant Christmas tree with piles of gifts.

"This feels so elementary," I muttered unenthusiastically as Liam and I sat in front of the tree.

Mom bought Liam a new glass wizard chess game board and a Firebolt Supreme broomstick which was exceptionally best than the Comet 260 he had. "You could have my old broomstick now, Olly," my brother said excitedly, admiring the wood of the broomstick, "We could play Quidditch outside in the back together."

"You know I'm not much of a flyer," I said, "Nor can I withstand heights either."

Liam bought Mom beautiful diamond earrings and I bought her gold satin robes for the house. I also bought Liam The Haunted Deck, a muggle magic card deck he eyed at that joke shop we were in at Diagon Alley. I opened Liam's gift to me and I unwrapped it, pulling out a white stone necklace with a purple tint. "Wow," I said amused, "You know how to pick out jewelry for a lady."

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