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Sleeping might be one of the thing that Yoongi loves the most. Especially after a rough night at work all he wants to do is let his bed engulf his tired body inside the soft mattress.

The little sunrays filtering from the window provides him a certain warmth that he craves for. He curls into himself more. If anyone dares to disturb his sleep he might go feral.

But undeniably, the rule doesn't apply to a certain someone.

" Appa~" The little four year old made his way towards the bed that is too giant for his tiny frame. He had to face some hard time to climb up, grabbing the sheets to pull himself up. He crawled on his all fours towards his sleepy father.

Stopping right before his father's face, he let out a little giggle at the view. With his eyes shut close and pillow clutched tightly in his hands, Yoongi slept like a baby. Probably the extrawork at office and taking care of a little child all alone is taking a toll on him.

" Appa~ wake up." He sings it in the melody of one of the rhymes he listen to everyday. Snatching the pillow from Yoongi's hands and getting there in its position instead. He giggles when his father starts nuzzling his nose in his neck.

" Morning baby." Yoongi pulls his son closer to his chest, leaving a light kiss on his forehead.
" Morning appa." Eunjae repayed Yoongi with a kiss on his cheeks. It's like a ritual between the son and father to kiss each other goodmorning. It has been like that since Eunjae was a toddler.

Eunjae stayed like that in Yoongi's arms for sometime. Just inhaling his father's woody scent that he loves so much before he remembered something. He tried to get out of Yoongi's grasp but his father is holding onto him sp tightly in his half asleep state.

" Appa, leave me." He squirms in Yoongi's hold like a jelly fish.
" Huh, where y'going ?" Yoongi says in his deep groggy voice and finally let the little boy out from his arms thinking he need to use the bathroom.

When the boy didn't come back after sometime Yoongi started getting worried, he had to get up and see what he's upto. He can't leave him little troublemaker alone. He tiptoes quitely to Eunjae's room.

" Papa, goodmorning." Eunjae sings in his sweet voice.

Yoongi's smiles a little at that, seeing Eunjae kissing Jimin's photograph and wishing him a good morning. He would see this scene everyday, it was a daily routine for Eunjae to talk with Jimin's photograph and tell him all about his day.

Eunjae has never seen Jimin, he just have heard about him in the stories that his dad tells him but he loves Jimin like he has always been there.

" What were you doing, Eunie ?" Eunjae jumped into Yoongi's open arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing his small face on his chest. His chubby cheeks got squished under his father's sturdy chest.

" I was wishing papa good morning." He says with a proud smile.
" Yeah ? Good boy." He pressed another kiss on top of his head.

Yoongi never wanted to keep Jimin a secret from Eunjae. He is Jimin son too, he have the same right on Eunjae as him. And Eunjae too deserves to know about his father.

He didn't opened the topic until Eunie was old enough to understand. Eunjae never asked about his other parent to Yoongi. But after starting preschool and seeing his classmates with both their parents the question grew in his head and one day he finally interrogated Yoongi about it.

The question came as a surprise to him. He wasn't expecting the boy to suddenly ask about his other parent when they were about to fall asleep. But he had kept himself ready for the question.

He told his son all about Jimin, showed him his pictures and even told some of his funny stories. Eunjae instantly grew fond of him, even though all he saw him was in the pictures.

Eunjae was too young to understand the kind of relationship his parents had so, Yoongi tried to break it to him in the best way possible. He won't just lie to his child and give him false hopes.

He told him how sometimes it's okay to have only one parent. That his father Jimin lives far away but that doesn't mean he doesn't love him.

He was expecting the child to throw a tantrum or ask for Jimin's presence but the boy was too smart than that. He just nodded and told Yoongi, how he was enough for him.
It almost made him tear up. His little baby has grown up so much. He's just four but already talks and thinks like an adult.

" Let's go brush your teeth now. Then it's time for your bath." He ruffled Eunjae's already messed up hairs.

" Bubble bath ?" He asks with his puppy eyes that are just as same as Jimin's and Yoongi not being able to resist his cuteness just nodded along.

He sees the way his son's eyes shine. Eunjae really is a carbon copy of Jimin. Even though he inherited Yoongi's genes too, at the first sight he looks like a mini version of Jimin.

Yoongi smiles. Some people may say that he's too kind to not resent Jimin for abandoning them. But how can he hate Jimin when he gave him the best gift in the world ? For him , his son is the sole reason he's living. Their son.


I was going to post it a little later but I wasn't able to resist myself haha. So, here's the first chapter of the sequel. Hope you liked it 🌼

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