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" Eunjae a-oh." Just as Jimin turned around to look for his son, he bumped into Yoongi's sturdy chest. The alpha, now dressed in his formal wears, unlike how he's usually dressed, is making Jimin feel the pounding of his heart in his fingertips.

If Jimin hasn't paid attention to the extra muscles the alpha has gained in the past years he finally does now.

" Careful." Yoongi has quickly placed his hands on the omegas back to stop his body from bouncing back and encountering the floor. His grip on Jimin's back grew stronger, as he slightly pulled him closer in the unconscious state of his mind.

The omega smells sweet jus as ever. He feels like he's a butterfly getting attracted to the beautiful flower with the sweetest scent. It'd hard for him to control his inner wolf when all he wants to do is mate Jimin and make him his.

" Papa, I can't button my shirt." The shrill voice startles both of them. Yoongi finally withdraw his hand back and step a little away from the omega, giving him some space.

The little boy comes out of his room with an open shirt with all the button undone, he goes all the way to stand in front of Jimin with a pout.

" Papa will help you." He bent down so it'll be easier for him to button up Eunjae's shirt.
The alpha is just looking over them with a fond smile, a thing he has been doing quite a lot nowadays. His heart could never get enough of the sweet interaction between Jimin and Eunjae.

" Eunjae ah, you forgot something." He says to help him remember it.
Eunjae seemed confused for a second but, then Jimin gestures towards his neck to let him know what he's missing.

After getting the hint he dashed back inside.
" You sure, you want to drop him off today ?" Yoongi asks Jimin, the omega has requested him that he wanted to drop Eunjae off at his school.

He asked him the question in broad daylight with his eyes glistening under the sunlight and lips slightly curved outside. How was he not supposed to say yes to the request as soon as the words came out of the omega's mouth when he looked like that.

" Yeah, I think it'll be great bonding time for us." Yoongi is happy on hearing that. He could easily see how Jimin is doing his best possible to get close to Eunjae. He's working hard to make up for those years. If he was in Jimin's shoes, he might have given up already.

" Appa, here." Eunjae brings the tie towards Yoongi and put it down on his father's extended palm.

" Now, you're ready." He adjust the tie once again to make sure his son looks perfect for his school

" Today, papa will drop you off at school, is that okay with you ?" Eunjae's big smile is enough to tell him that he's more than okay with it.

" I'll have lots of fun with papa." He goes over to Jimin and hold out his hand for Jimin to take it.
Yoongi scoffs a little at his son's excitement. He never seemed that happy when he dropped him to school. His son certainly loves Jimin more. Well, that's okay, because he himself l--

The doorbell rings, making the words stop in Yoongi's brain. He's actually thankful for whoever is at the door. He might have gotten a little carried away by his thoughts if not for the sudden interruption.

" Minjun ?" He surely wasn't expecting to see the omega at his door again, when they just met yesterday.

" Morning Yoongs." Yoongi rolled his eyes at the nickname, not that he actually hate it, he just find it quite funny. He opened the door enough to let him in but the omega didn't step inside.

" My driver was busy today so, I thought you could offer me a ride."
Well, he have a lot of drivers at his service or he could've just book a cab. But, no. He specifically wanted it to be Yoongi.

" We can bring Eunjae to school together." He smiles at his own idea. There's this raging fire inside of him that's making him competitive. Maybe his omega sensed the presence of another omega or its just that he could actually see himself losing the game that he did his best in for the last four years.

" I'm sorry, but Jimin would be bringing him to school today." The omega's lips get sealed in a thin line on hearing Jimin's name.
" But, we can go together to the office in my car." That made him smile a little but the fire is still growing. He looked inside to see if Jimin was hearing their conversation or not but he couldn't get a good view of inside.

" Jimin ah, I'll be going now." Yoongi shouts to let the younger know that he's leaving.
Soon, the footsteps are heard and Jimin comes towards them all dressed up now.

Seeing him all dolled up in fine clothes and little touch ups to his face, did more wonder to Minjun than it did to the alpha.

" You're goi- oh, Minjun ssi." If he hates the omega he doesn't let the fact change his beautiful smile.
" Good morning." He greets the other omega who just reply with a head nod.

" Hyung, can you wait for a second ?"
Yoongi tilts his head in confusion but, nonetheless nods at the request.
With that Jimin disappear somewhere in the kitchen only to come back with a lunch box in his hand this time.

" Eunjae told me you always eat outside. So, I thought I would make a homemade lunch for you." He extends the bag towards the alpha to take. Yoongi is a little overwhelmed but still reaches out for it, his hand accidentally brushing against Jimin's.

" Jimin ah, thank you." The warm gratitude and the looks that both of them are giving to each other have Minjun shift his weight from one foot to the other.

" We'll be late, let's go." Minjun harshly tugged on Yoongi's sleeves as if wanting to drag the alpha with all his might.

" Now, shall we go too ?" Jimin asks as he saw Yoongi disappearing behind the omega.
" Yes, Papa." The boy said excitedly, bouncing behind Jimin as he walks to fetch his school bag from inside the room.

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