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Yoongi drives slowly on the wide road, his eyes constantly wandering off to the passenger seat, where the reunited father and son sleep peacefully in each other's arms. Unconscious to their surroundings, both of them have a smile on their face. The warmth of other's body making them feel at home.

The scene is very heartwarming. Yoongi just want to stop the car on the roadside and stare at his son's happy face.

Eunjae looks so happy in Jimin's arms. Even though he never let the boy feel sad or alone, the fact that he was feeling a need of another parent didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi.

He would mostly come back home all tired and weary from office but, still try to give his son some time so he won't feel like he was not loved. Even on his worst days, he put on a smile just to see his son happy.

" We're here." He says while parking the car in front of their house. Jimin is sleeping soundlessly even on the uncomfortable seat, probably because of the long flight. And Eunjae is no different from him. He must have tired himself while playing with his uncles.

Now that both of them were next to each other, Yoongi saw how similiar they looked. Like, there was just one percent change in their facial features and it was that Eunjae inherited his button nose. Everything else was just a copy and paste of Jimin.

" Eunjae ah." He tries to pick his son up but, he's holding onto Jimin so tightly that wouldn't let go.
" Eunnie, come to appa." On sensing that it was Yoongi, the boy let down his guard. Releasing his tight grip on Jimin's neck and letting himself being carried into his father's arms.

Once Eunjae was away from him, Jimin starts to stir up in his sleep. The lack of warmth and sudden withdrawal of the sweet scent, has his omega distressed and worried.

" We're here." Yoongi announces to him, so that Jimin'd be less confused about his surroundings.
Jimin looks at Yoongi and then at Eunjae who was passed out in his arms. A sudden sense of relief gush over him on seeing his son sleeping peacefully.

They decided to take out just the important bags and left the rest for the morning. Yoongi walked in front of Jimin, showing him the way. The omega just followed behind him, the new surroundings making him kind of anxious.

As he was punching the passcode, a pink flush spread on his face on remembering what a mess waited them behind the door. He was in hurry this morning because of his date so, he decided to clean the house later when he comes back. But, that clearly wasn't a good idea.

" Sorry for the mess." He apologized just as they entered inside the house.
The house is so much bigger than the previous one where Jimin used to visit frequently. It's double in size of that one. Looking more suitable for a child. It looks refreshing and airy.

Yoongi tries to pick Eunjae's clothes that are scattered around the ground along with his toys, putting them inside the basket for now. He made a mental note to place them on their respective place later.

Jimin eyes the house with tears threating to fall, there are pictures of Yoongi and his child everywhere. He's so small in those pictures. Looking so cute, Jimin never felt more miserable before. If Yoongi hadn't shaken him he would have a breakdown then and there.

" I'll sleep in Eunjae's room and you can take mine." Yoongi says, still carrying Eunjae in his arms. Their house only has two rooms, which he thought were apt because only he and Eunjae lived there. And if some guests were coming he could easily make some space in the living room.

" Eunjae ?" Then, Yoongi remembers he haven't even told Jimin about their son's name yet.
" Min Eunjae." He gently stroked his son's hair and left a sweet kiss on top of his head.

Eunjae, Jimin's mind keep repeating the name like a mantra. Yoongi chose a beautiful name for their child.

" I'll go lay him down." Jimin nods to that, Yoongi disappears inside one of the room.
Jimin is so fascinated by his surroundings, he wants to go and touch everything but he doesn't dare to move. He just look around and feels a pang of guilt hit him in the chest.

Yoongi notices his behaviour. It seems like the younger still haven't forgiven himself. He must have spent all those years in remorse.
" Come, I'll show you the room." Yoongi says from behind, Jimin wipes the corner of his eyes before turning around with a smile.

The room was small yet so perfect, plain but at the same time it had a relaxing sensation to it.
The walls were painted in a monochromatic manner. The huge wooden bed was situated in the middle of the room. The artistic paintings hanging beside the bed wall matched the colours of the wall well.

The plants were kept on side of the windows, with flowers in bloom, with calm pastels and soulful browns - it was enchanting Jimin into a dreamy world. The room gives off a elegant vibe. But, the thing that caught Jimin's attention the most wasn't the way the room looked but the way it smelled. The alpha's scent was so dominating

It made him feel like he was home after so long. A home he never got to call his. He felt like he was finally in the place where he belonged to.

" I'll bring a towel for you. Make yourself at home." With that Yoongi steps outside, leaving Jimin alone to settle his clothes and other things.

But when he comes back Jimin was fast asleep on the bed. Yoongi thought it was because he was tired, but in reality it was because of his scent that had lulled the omega to sleep, instantly.

He helped Jimin lay down in a more comfortable position, covering his body with a duvet.
Jimin slept so peacefully now, rather than before where he would have puffy eyes and dark under eyebags because of not getting enough sleep.

The last four years have changed Jimin, he could see it in a heartbeat. And Yoongi felt like the change was necessary, it is a good change.

He closed the room, tiptoeing to Eunjae's room. The boy was sleeping in a star fish position, the blanket that Yoongi covered him with before was now on the floor.
Yoongi wrapped his arms around his son, and pulled him closer. The boy struggled initially but then gave in quickly in comfort of Yoongi's arms. It was a long day for all of them.

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