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Yoongi indeed ended up spending the night at the Kim's house. While Jin asked him what has happened, Namjoon bursted into laughter, Yoongi only gave him a deadly look before brushing past over him to Aera's room.

He was cuddled up with Aera in her small bed in the morning, when Namjoon came to wake him up.

He didn't understand at first what he was doing in their house, but then he remembered the past events. A quick sigh escaped his lips.

Namjoon didn't tell him what was wrong and just dragged him outside into their living room, where he saw his Jin hyung sitting on the couch and across him were Jimin and Eunjae.

The omega was crying and Eunjae was trying his best to comfort him. Yoongi instantly overcame his half asleep state and rushed to his omega's side, worried that something might have happened to him.

But the omega only sobbed on his shoulder and told him how sorry he was for the last night. Trails of apologies were mixed with how he shouldn't have behaved like that and what a irresponsible person he was.

Yoongi smiled at Jimin's cute blabbering, he would have liked to shut him down with a kiss but there were just too many eyes on them. So, he hugged him and whispered soothing words in his ears.

Once Jimin was able to calm down in his hold, Yoongi got down on his knees once again. Pulling out the ring from his pocket that he has kept in his pocket the whole time.

Namjoon and Jin gasped in the background, while Aera and Eunjae clapped their hands. They didn't actually understand what was happening but they were happy on seeing the scene.

This time Jimin finally said yes to the purposal while sobbing in his hands and they shared a sweet kiss before parting away. They were engaged now.


The days after that, they started to prepare for their wedding since Yoongi wanted to get married before the twins were born and Jimin shared the same thought with him.

They only had two months left before they were born and they had a lot of things to prepare in that short period of time.
This was the time that they came to realise what a blessing their friends were.

Ryu and Hobi took the responsibility of the venue, Namjoon and Jin of the decoration, Taehyung and Jungkook of the catering and Minjun and Daejeong of the invitation. So, it wouldn't be too much pressure on the expecting couple.

Yoongi tried to give Jimin as less stress as possible, taking all the heavy tasks on himself. They had to do so many things, but Jimin's absolute favourite was the cake tasting. He and Eunjae were so happy on trying out different flavours of cakes and the alpha just watched over his mate and child fondly.

The hardest thing was choosing a wedding suit. Yoongi wasn't a choosy person from the start so, he was done with his suit in just a few minutes. But for Jimin... Oh boy ! it took hours.

Blame the half of it on his pregnancy hormones. He tried many of them, but felt like he looked fat in everyone while Yoongi tried his best to tell him that he wasn't fat but pregnant.

Finally after the long debate Jimin and Eunjae decided on a suit, Yoongi let out a deep relieved sigh at that. He had thought that they might just have to spend the night here. On their way back, both of them fell asleep in the car after their hard work today.

Yoongi's parents also came to their house to help them prepare for the wedding and also for the other things for the twins. Jimin was so glad to have Yoongi's mother to help him but he also felt a bit apologetic because she had to do all the work on her own.

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